Student Services offers a wide range of support services including student recruitment, registration services, counselling, accessibility services, learning services and student employment services. We work closely with students, programs, Saskatchewan Polytechnic administration and students' associations to advise, counsel and empower our students to enhance their post-secondary experiences.
Counselling, Health & Accessibility Services
- Counselling Services
- Accessibility Services
- Health Services (Health nurses)
- Wellness (Recreation)
- Registration Services
- Student Information Systems (SIS)
- Foreign Credential Assessment
International Education
- International Student Recruitment
- International Student Liaisons
Strategic Enrolment Management
- Student Recruitment
- Career Counselling
- Contact Centre
Student Engagement and Learning Services
- Student Employment Services (SES)
- Student Relations
- Student Services Operations
- Learning Services
Student Services also manages:
- Convocation for all campuses
- Sask Polytech Student Innovation and Student Outstanding Citizenship Awards