Post-secondary education is a big decision. We are here to support you and your student to explore their options and find success in their chosen program.
Stay connected
Access to student information
In accordance with our privacy policy, we cannot discuss a student's application or student record with anyone other
than the student without a signed consent to release or obtain information form (pdf).
Resources and support
Choosing a program
With 150+ programs, there’s a lot to consider. It’s a big decision and we’re here to help.
Programs and courses
Get credit for what you know
Program planning and career planning resources
From Open Houses and campus tours to one-on-one advising, we have many supports available to help your student find the program and career path that is right for them.
Application and admission processes
Our Application Guide provides step-by-step information on program options, getting ready to apply, the application process and next steps after submitting an application.
Paying for school
You know it's important. We do too, and we can help.
Tuition and fee information
Financial assistance
Income tax receipts (T2202)
Getting started at Sask Polytech
Get started
Your student’s first weeks at Sask Polytech are an important time with lots to learn, new routines and events to help set them up for success. Check out these links to help your student hit the ground running.
mySaskPolytech is your student's portal to Sask Polytech’s communications and services. mySaskPolytech provides access to email and myCourses home pages. They can view announcements, letters, grades, tax forms, unofficial transcripts, campus events, update their personal information and more.
Learn more about what's available on mySaskPolytech.
Safety is important at Sask Polytech
We offer a Safe Walk service building to building, and building to vehicle within
the boundaries of the campus. Students can call for a Safe Walk if they are studying
late at the library, attending evening classes or if they don't feel comfortable walking
alone, for any reason.
Sask Polytech uses an emergency notification system (ENS) to quickly send out critical
information to students in the event of an emergency. An alert message will be broadcast
on the Sask Polytech emergency notification beacons, computers and VoIP.
Learn more about community safety.
Services and support
From day one right through graduation, Sask Polytech students have access to a wide variety of supports. Help your student find the resources they need—whether academic, wellness, financial, cultural or other supports.
See student services and supports
Contact us
We are here for you and your student, whatever stage of the educational journey you are at. Reach out to us by email, Zoom, phone or in-person, and be sure to join our mailing list so that we can keep you up to date on everything Sask Polytech!
1-866-467-4278 (toll-free)
Attend a Become a Student advising session. Join us in person on campus or virtually via Zoom.
Contact our Welcome Centres:
- Moose Jaw: 306-691-8429
- Prince Albert: 306-765-1611
- Regina: 306-775-7395
- Saskatoon: 306-659-4012