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Admission and registration forms
Application for Admission to Saskatchewan Polytechnic Programs
Application for Admission to Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program
Admission Confirmation for Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing:
General applicant and student forms
- Use this form if you have completed all the courses required to graduate from your
program and want to be awarded the credential, and you are either:
- a student who has been admitted or re-admitted to a program that is delivered part time (graduation fee is not required)
- a student who has not been admitted to a program, i.e., unclassified (graduation fee is required)
- Use this form to withdraw your application to a program. Submit in person or by e-mail, fax or mail.
Business Diploma Specialty Selection
- Use this form to indicate the second year specialty you wish to pursue in the Business diploma program.
Change of Contact Information or Gender
- Use this form to ensure that your Saskatchewan Polytechnic student record is accurate and up to date.
Change of Legal Name or Social Insurance Number (SIN)
- Use this form to ensure that your Saskatchewan Polytechnic student record is accurate and up to date.
Continuing Education (CE) Course Transfer and Withdrawal Form
- Use this web form to withdraw or transfer between CE courses.
Confirmation of Sponsorship for Full-Time Program Students for Sponsor Billing
- Use this form to confirm sponsorship in a program.
Consent to Release or Obtain Information
- Use this form to permit Saskatchewan Polytechnic to release information or provide an employment reference.
- Some Saskatchewan Polytechnic courses or programs require a satisfactory Check. View our Criminal Record Check page for additional information.
- Use this form to request an official transcript, a replacement credential, T2202A, ID or First Aid card, or a course outline. If you are a current or recent student, you may also print an unofficial transcript yourself, or make an online request for an official transcript, through mySaskPolytech.
- Use this form to appeal a final grade, or a grade for work that contributes to the final grade. View form and Saskatchewan Polytechnic Grade Appeal Policy (pdf) for additional information.
- Use this form to request Prior Learning and Assessment Recognition (PLAR). View our PLAR page for additional information.
- Use this form to verify course withdrawals or additions, or extensions to study time.
Student Loan Dual Registration
- For the purpose of student loan reporting, use this form to indicate that you are currently studying at another post-secondary institution as well as Saskatchewan Polytechnic, to indicate withdrawal from courses at one institution or the other, and to permit Saskatchewan Polytechnic to access your relevant information from the other institution at which you are registered.
- Use this form to request an official transcript. If you are a current or recent student, you may also print an unofficial transcript yourself, or make an online request for an official transcript, through mySaskPolytech.
- Use this form to request credit transfer from another institution to Saskatchewan Polytechnic. (To make this request and be assessed for transfer credit, you must be a current applicant to a program or a currently registered student). View our Transfer Credit page for additional information.
- Use this form if you are enrolled in a Saskatchewan Polytechnic program and would prefer to take one of your courses in an alternate format offered at the U of R or the U of S.