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Welcome to the International Education division at Saskatchewan Polytechnic.
Sask Polytech is committed to being a leader of polytechnic education on a global
scale. In articulating our vision as a global leader, Sask Polytech builds upon a
30-year history in international activities and global engagement. During this time,
the institution has demonstrated success in attracting and supporting students from
more than 50 countries, collaborated with partners in Canada and abroad to develop
and implement international projects in 20 countries, developed a framework to support
global learning experiences for students and faculty, and extended its entrepreneurial
activities beyond the province of Saskatchewan. As an institution on the rise, Sask
Polytech’s global engagement is guided by our core values. To learn more, please review
the Global Engagement Plan (pdf).
Our division focuses on the following areas:

Thevi Pather
Associate vice-president, International
×Thevi Pather
Thevi Pather is the associate vice-president, International at Sask Polytech, and
a global engagement thought leader with over 20 years of experience in the public
post secondary sector. His work in the field of global engagement includes work at
the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, Royal Roads University,
Camosun College, and Executive Director of the Office of Global Engagement at North
Island College. Having once been an international student himself, he brings a unique
perspective to the topics of international recruitment and support, global engagement
and mobility, diversity and inclusion and the advancement of global citizenship ideals
in the post-secondary sector. His professional and research interests include institutional
strategy, international student marketing and recruitment strategy, and cosmopolitanism
and global citizenship development. Prior to working in international education, he
worked in social services where he was drawn to diversity and equity work given the
marginalized client groups he served. Thevi has a BA from University of Kwazulu Natal,
South Africa, a B.Sc. from Fresno State University, California, a Post Graduate diploma
in Social Policy and MA from Simon Fraser University. He is currently a doctoral candidate
at SFU.
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