Log into mySaskPolytech, find the card “Important Links for Students” and select My Finances to:

  • see your assessed tuition amount
  • check your account balance
  • pay your seat deposit or tuition 
Once accepted into a program, you must pay your tuition deposit within 30 days of acceptance to hold your seat. Tuition and fees are then due on the first day of classes.

If you are new to Sask Polytech, your username and password will be sent to you shortly after you have applied to a program or registered for a course. You need this information to log in to mySaskPolytech. Learn more about what is available on mySaskPolytech.

Payment options

PayMyTuition is Sask Polytech’s partner for tuition and deposit payments. PayMyTuition provides a seamless, integrated and secure way to pay tuition and fees to Sask Polytech. Tuition payments can be made from any bank, in any country in any currency at competitive exchange rates. PayMyTuition has bank grade security and compliance features. 

View the PayMyTuition Online Tuition Payment Guide to learn how to make a payment through mySaskPolytech.

Making a payment through mySaskPolytech is the preferred method as it will autofill your personal information. However, you or your recruitment agent can also make a tuition or deposit payment directly through the PayMyTuition website.

You can make payments at Enrolment Services on campus. Payment options are limited. Credit cards are not accepted.

  • cash (up to a maximum of $1000)
  • cheque or money order (made payable to Saskatchewan Polytechnic)
  • debit (card subject to daily limits set by your financial institution)

If your tuition is being funded by a sponsoring agency or employer, use the Confirmation of Sponsorship for full-time program students form (pdf).

When do I have to pay? 

Deposit payments are required during the admission process within 30 days of acceptance. Subject to the following exceptions, all remaining tuition and other assessed fees are payable on a semester-by-semester basis with payment due by the program start date for each semester. 


  • Students enrolled in a non-semestered program longer than 20 weeks may pay their tuition in two equal instalments. Payments for fees will be required with the first instalment. The second payment will be required at or near the mid-point of the year.
  • International students in their first year of studies with Sask Polytech must first pay their deposit and must pay the remaining tuition and other assessed fees for their first full academic year by their program start date. Full year tuition and other assessed fees may exceed the deposit paid and may differ from the estimate provided in an acceptance letter. 
  • For students paying by student loan, Sask Polytech will request direct payment from the National Student Loans Service Centre up to the available amount for tuition and other assessed fees for the full academic year. 
  • For sponsored students, Sask Polytech will invoice sponsoring organizations for tuition and other assessed fees for the full academic year. 
  • Students in a co-operative education program must pay the co-operative education fees in the academic semester preceding the work term. If a student is enrolled in consecutive work terms, payment of any subsequent work terms may be paid for on the first day of the subsequent term.

For information on the amount due, review the tuition by program.

Late payment charge

A late payment charge will be assessed on past-due accounts. 

Failure to pay tuition and other assessed fees may result in students being discontinued from class and will result in the placement of a financial hold on the student account, meaning:

  • the student may not apply or register at any Saskatchewan Polytechnic campus until the past-due account has been paid, and
  • transcripts, grades, certificates, diplomas or degrees, and any other completion documentation will be withheld until full payment is made.

If Sask Polytech is unable to collect your fees, we will send your account to a third-party collection agency, which may have a negative impact on your credit rating. Sask Polytech will remove the financial hold once tuition is paid in full.

In exceptional circumstances the dean has authority to waive tuition and/or program other fees. The registrar or manager of Enrolment Services has authority to waive Sask Polytech administrative and application fees. Third-party fees cannot be waived (e.g., Students' Association, health and dental).

For additional details, consult the Tuition and Fees Procedure 1214 (pdf).