Get credit for courses taken at another post-secondary education institution or for certified training.i  

Prior courses or training must closely match one or more Sask Polytech courses.

  • If you took a university chemistry course, you may get transfer credit for a similar chemistry course at Sask Polytech.
  • If you have current Food Safety certification, you may get transfer credit in a program where it is part of the curriculum.


  • Are a Sask Polytech student. ii  
  • Have credit for courses that closely match iii one or more Sask Polytech course(s) from:
  • Completed the course(s) or certified training within the last five years. If beyond five years, PLAR credit may be an option.

Learn more about important factors to be cautious of before considering transfer credit.


There is no fee to apply for transfer credit. This is subject to change.


The best time to request transfer credit is immediately after being admitted to a full-time program or registered in a part-time course, but before the program or the course you want credit for starts.

The final deadline to submit a transfer credit request is two weeks after the matching Sask Polytech course starts (or the course end date for courses shorter than two weeks). Be prepared to provide course or training outlines when you submit a transfer credit request.

Canadian citizens or permanent residents:

  • Transcripts for transfer credit must be submitted by the time you apply for transfer credit.
  • To avoid missing any transfer credit opportunities, submit all post-secondary transcripts when you apply for admission to a program.

International students:

  • All transcripts must be submitted when you apply for admission to a full-time program.  
  • To avoid missing any transfer credit opportunities, submit all post-secondary transcripts when you apply for admission to a program.
If any transcripts or training documentation are from outside of Canada, learn more about how to submit international documents (pdf). Allow time to arrange translation to English, if required, plus two to four weeks for Sask Polytech's assessment.
Documentation for certified training must be submitted when you apply for transfer credit. Certified training from outside of Canada may not qualify for transfer credit. If not, consider applying for PLAR credit for that training instead.


If you have prior education or training, apply for transfer credit first and consider applying for PLAR credit if transfer credit is denied.

If you have not already done so, check with Enrolment Services and/or your program head to ensure that transfer credit does not reduce your course load below the minimum required for a study permit, sponsorship, student loan, etc.  

Transfer credit is not calculated into your GPA. If you want to raise your GPA, consult with your program head for advice.

Learn more about important factors to be cautious of before considering transfer credit.

Transfer credit opportunities are in place for the following programs:

If a transfer credit opportunity does not exist for your program, move to Step 3 to pursue receiving transfer credit for individual courses.

  1. Find your program's web page from the A - Z Listing of programs. On your program's web page, scroll down to the courses heading and click on the + sign. Then click on Expand All +
    The Courses section, highlighting the Expand All button.

  2. Collect the course outline(s)v for your completed courses or certified training that may match your Sask Polytech courses. Some schools and training agencies have outlines available online. If not, contact the school or agency to request an outline for the year you attended.

  3. Compare the course descriptions and credit unitsvi to identify transfer credit possibilities.
    • Look for a close match between one or more Sask Polytech courses and the course(s) or training you have completed.
    • Credit units or instruction hours for courses or training previously taken must be equal to or greater than the matching course(s) in your Sask Polytech program.
    • Two courses from another institution might match one Sask Polytech course. Or one longer course might match two shorter Sask Polytech courses. All courses considered for a match to one Sask Polytech course must be from the same institution.

Do not withdraw from the course until transfer credit is confirmed. If transfer credit is denied, you can still complete the course without delaying graduation.

  1. Check the deadlines section for requesting transfer credit and other required documentation.
  2. Request transcripts and/or documents for previous courses or training to:
    • Transcripts must be sent from the other school directly to Enrolment Services at Sask Polytech. We do not accept transcripts you received and passed on to Sask Polytech. In some cases, international transcripts may be certified rather than sent directly from another school. Consult with Enrolment Services about this option.
    • If a school you attended before is outside of Canada, follow the directions for foreign credentials (pdf). These apply for all education completed outside of Canada whether you are an international or Canadian student.
  3. Complete the student sections on the Transfer Credit Request form (pdf).
    • Complete the personal information section
    • In the transfer credit request section, fill in the Sask Polytech course(s) alongside the matching course(s) taken elsewhere.

      The Transfer Credit Request form, with columns to enter Sask Polytech course name and code, transfer course name and code, and course completion date.. 

    • In the Step 1 section, add your electronic signature and date. Or sign and date it with pen after you print it.

      Electronic signature and date section of the Transfer Credit Request form.

  4. Print the form, if you filled it out online.
  5. Attach course outlines and any other documentation that would be useful to assess how closely course(s) or training matches a Sask Polytech course. Once a transfer credit has been approved, please use the self-registration system (mySaskPolytech > Important Links > Course Planning) to withdraw yourself from the class up to five days past the course start date to ensure appropriate refunds. If transfer credit is approved more than five days past your start date, please submit a  Program Adjustment form (pdf) signed and emailed to your program head to remove this class to ensure that your course load does not drop the minimum required for study permits, funding and other eligibility criteria.
  6. Take, email or mail the form and all documentation to Enrolment Services at your program's campus. 


  • Enrolment Services keeps a database of previously assessed courses. If your course is in the database, Enrolment Services reviews your Transfer Credit Request form (pdf) and sends your results to your Sask Polytech email account.
  • If your course is not in the database, Enrolment Services sends your Transfer Credit Request form (pdf) with attached documentation to your program head for assessment. The program head assesses the match between courses.
    • If denied, the program head checks off whether PLAR is recommended as an alternative for receiving credit.
    • Enrolment Services emails the form with results to your Sask Polytech email account.


  • If accepted, your Sask Polytech transcript shows TC as the grade for a course for which transfer credit was approved.
    • Transfer credit grades (TC) are not included in weighted grade point average calculations for scholarships or progression through a program.
  • If denied, there will be no entry on your transcript. You have the following options if transfer credit is denied:

If you have registered in a course and your transfer credit is accepted, Enrolment Services should withdraw you from the course. Confirm this with Enrolment Services at your campus.

Ask Enrolment Services for refund details when you submit a transfer credit request. You may be eligible for a full or partial tuition refund.

Refunds are first applied to any outstanding balances on your Sask Polytech account. If your account is in good standing, Sask Polytech can issue a refund to your funding agency, directly to you, or apply it to tuition for another course. 

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iTraining provided by a government or industry organization that has a standard curriculum and a final evaluation/exam for certification.
iiYou are admitted to a full-time program or registered in a part-time course(s)
iii An 80 per cent match of learning outcomes is considered close.
iv Government or accredited industry training.
v A course outline or syllabus has details about course learning outcomes, pre-requisites, credit units and/or instruction hours, required reading resources and how learning is evaluated.

vi Credit units or instruction/training hours reflect the hours of instruction (e.g. a 39-45 hour course is usually three credit units).