Saskatchewan Polytechnic is committed to protecting the privacy and the personal information of applicants, current students, past students, and any members of the public who share information with Saskatchewan Polytechnic students or employees as part of the delivery of Saskatchewan Polytechnic programs or services.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic is a "local authority" pursuant to The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LAFOIP). Accordingly, Saskatchewan Polytechnic has a responsibility in many instances to provide access to records that are in its possession and control. Saskatchewan Polytechnic also has a duty to protect the personal information that it acquires in the course of delivering its programs and services. Saskatchewan Polytechnic strives to ensure that both Saskatchewan Polytechnic and any third parties working with Saskatchewan Polytechnic comply with not only LAFOIP, but also with any other legislation that may apply to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information of any kind.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic complies with Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). If you have questions about Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s compliance with CASL, please contact the Privacy Office at the information below.

To learn more about the types of records which may be accessed and to see how to make an Access to Information Request, please refer to Saskatchewan Polytechnic's Freedom of Information Statement.

Individuals may request access to their personal information which is retained by Saskatchewan Polytechnic by completing an access request according to the procedure outlined in our Freedom of Information Statement.

What is personal information?

According to LAFOIP, "personal information" is "personal information about an identifiable individual that is recorded in any form".  Many specific types of information are included within the definition including, but not limited to: an individual's name (where it appears with any other personal information relating to the individual, or where the name itself reveals information about the individual); any identifying number or symbol assigned to an individual; and information relating to an individual's educational history.

When does Saskatchewan Polytechnic collect personal information?

Saskatchewan Polytechnic collects personal information in a variety of circumstances, including, but not limited to:

  • Completion, by prospective students, of an application for admission to Saskatchewan Polytechnic programs or courses;
  • Completion of a student registration form following admission to a program or course;
  • Collection of academic information as a student progresses through a program or course;
  • Collection of financial information when a student pays fees and tuition;
  • Collection of financial information and customer profile information when a student chooses to utilize Saskatchewan Polytechnic's website to make any purchase or to pay fees or tuition, or for a similar circumstance;
  • For faculty and staff, through the application and hiring process, as well as through the course of employment; and
  • Provision of health services to any student or to any member of the public.

What personal information does Saskatchewan Polytechnic collect?

Saskatchewan Polytechnic collects a variety of personal information at different stages of its dealings with a prospective or enrolled student. Information collected will vary, depending upon an individual's use of various programs and benefits. This information may include (but is not limited to): 

  • Full name and mailing information;
  • Social Insurance Number;
  • Citizenship status;
  • Marital Status;
  • Birth date;
  • Health Services Number;
  • Personal health information;
  • Emergency Contact information;
  • E-mail address and account information; and
  • Student ID number.

How does Saskatchewan Polytechnic use personal information?

Saskatchewan Polytechnic uses the personal information for a variety of purposes, including: 

  • To facilitate delivery of all Saskatchewan Polytechnic programs and services to both students and, in some cases, to members of the public;
  • To deliver all facets of Saskatchewan Polytechnic's educational programming;
  • To ensure the maintenance of academic integrity at Saskatchewan Polytechnic and to protect the quality and standards associated with Saskatchewan Polytechnic designations;
  • For administrative and statistical purposes;
  • To process payment of tuition and other fees, including student association fees;
  • To assist student associations to administer programs and benefits to their members (including the student health and dental insurance plan, where applicable);
  • To collect debts owing to Saskatchewan Polytechnic;
  • To administer development and alumni operations;
  • To determine eligibility for alumni benefits;
  • To facilitate on-line payment of tuition, fees and purchasing from the campus store;   
  • To make computing resources, electronic communication services, computer network and other information technology infrastructure available to students, faculty and staff, and to ensure the performance, security, integrity and proper use of that technology;
  • To comply with LAFOIP and all applicable laws;
  • To fulfill Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s reporting obligations to provincial and the federal government;
  • To fulfill and administer the employment relationship.


Saskatchewan Polytechnic takes a number of physical and technological measures to safeguard your Personal Information. Please refer to various Saskatchewan Polytechnic policies listed below.   

Other Saskatchewan Polytechnic Policies Respecting Access to and Protection of Personal Information
Additional Saskatchewan Polytechnic policies and procedures are listed below. They may change from time to time.

  • Record Retention and Disposal Policy #809
  • Information Technology Security #806
  • Video Surveillance Policy #603
  • External Application and Data Hosting Policy #805
  • Data Management Policy #802
  • Electronic Communication Services Policy #804
  • Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources Policy #801

Links to FAQ's relating to a number of the policies are provided in the electronic version of the relevant policy.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic will collect your personal information with your consent, though in some cases that consent may be reasonably implied. Browser, IP address and website usage information may be collected in the course of an individual's use of the Saskatchewan Polytechnic website. Specific consent will be inferred where an individual uses a website to provide specific personal information.    

Saskatchewan Polytechnic relies upon all applicable policies

  • Information Technology Security #806;
  • Electronic Communication Services Policy #804;
  • Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources Policy #801; and
  • Data Management Policy #802.
  • Use of Saskatchewan Polytechnic's computing resources, electronic communication services, computer network and/or information technology signifies acceptance of all applicable policies as amended from time to time.  

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Information Technology Services has the right to examine files, data and email to, among other things: diagnose and correct system hardware and software problems and to address any violations of any applicable Saskatchewan Polytechnic policy. 

E-mail addresses and communications initiated from or delivered to any Saskatchewan Polytechnic e-mail account or electronic communication server are the property of Saskatchewan Polytechnic, and users of such services should be aware that they do not have a complete right of privacy to their electronic communication records. Saskatchewan Polytechnic does not routinely monitor individual use of electronic communication tools and services, but it may do so to the extent permitted by law and as necessary to maintain the integrity and efficiency of the systems. Saskatchewan Polytechnic reserves the right to inspect and disclose the contents of any e-mail sent or received using Saskatchewan Polytechnic electronic communication accounts, and the content any individual posts on any Saskatchewan Polytechnic discussion boards, when legal circumstances reasonably prompt such inspection and disclosure, or when Saskatchewan Polytechnic conducts an investigation into possible misuse or misconduct by any user of these services.


Saskatchewan Polytechnic uses tools (e.g., Google Analytics, etc.) to gather information about the use of this website. Analytics tools collect information provided by your web browser and system. This information may include what pages are visited, how often users visit and what actions they perform on the website. Saskatchewan Polytechnic sets its analytics tools so that they do not collect any personally identifiable information and we do not combine information collected by analytics tools with any personally identifiable information. You can prevent your system from sending information to most analytics tools by disabling cookies on your browser.


This website uses cookies. Cookies are pieces of data sent from the website and stored on your system. These cookies are used to provide tailored information and enhance your experience on the website. You are not required to accept cookies to use this site. Refer to the help menu in your browser for information on how to disable cookies.



Saskatchewan Polytechnic will rarely disclose your personal information to any third party without your consent. You may provide your consent by completing and signing the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Consent to Release Information form. Saskatchewan Polytechnic may disclose your personal information without your express consent in limited circumstances, including:  

  • To third parties with whom we partner to provide various products and services that are reasonably contemplated by your use of Saskatchewan Polytechnic programs and services or by your decision to make any online purchases;   
  • To comply with any applicable laws or any lawful investigation, or whenever Saskatchewan Polytechnic is legally compelled to do so.  In such cases, Saskatchewan Polytechnic may or may not notify you of this release, at Saskatchewan Polytechnic's own discretion and based upon the nature and conditions surrounding the release of the information;
  • To investigate and report suspected academic dishonesty, illegal or fraudulent conduct or misuse of any of Saskatchewan Polytechnic's programs, services, or technology;
  • To protect the mental or physical health or safety of any individual; and
  • To collect a debt owing to Saskatchewan Polytechnic.


Saskatchewan Polytechnic retains your information for as long as needed to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, and for as long as needed to comply with the most current Administrative Records Management System issued by the Saskatchewan Archives Board. Specific retention periods will also apply to final examination instruments (pdf) and student record information (pdf).   

Alumni may always revoke consent for Saskatchewan Polytechnic to maintain information for the purposes of delivering alumni development and operations.


Saskatchewan Polytechnic Privacy Office

Questions about this privacy statement, access to information, or concerns about your privacy may be directed to Sean McEachern, manager, Governance and Privacy, at 306-775-7502 or in writing, to the following address:

Privacy Office
Saskatchewan Polytechnic Administrative Offices
400 - 119 4th Ave. S
Saskatoon SK S7K 5X2

Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner

503 - 1801 Hamilton Street
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 4B4  Telephone:  306-787-8350
Toll Free Telephone (within Saskatchewan): 1-877-748-2298
Fax:  306-798-1603