At Saskatchewan Polytechnic, health and wellness are important and valued. Our goal is to foster an environment, a culture and a community of health and wellness for students, faculty and staff across all our campuses. We provide a variety of services related to health and wellness in support of our wellness strategy.
Student wellness
Students may experience challenges and stressors within their academic and personal life. As a Sask Polytech student you can access a variety of services related to health and wellness:
- Accessibility Services
- Counselling Services
- Dental clinic (Regina campus)
- Fitness and Recreation
- Health Services
- Indigenous Services
- Mental Health and Wellness resources
Employee wellness
Sask Polytech is committed to supporting and promoting employee health and wellness. Faculty and staff have access to an employee and family assistance program and wellness resources which comprise counselling, coaching, online services, and information/support for a broad range of health-related matters.
- Employee Family Assistance Program and Wellness Resources (Sask Polytech login required)
- ILDC - Wellness and Education (Sask Polytech login required)
- Mental Health and Wellness Resources
Sask Polytech Wellness Strategy
Sask Polytech's Wellness Strategy (pdf) focuses on a broad spectrum of wellness elements captured in the four dimensions — life, mind, body and community. We see wellness as a requisite for both student success, and faculty and staff success at work. Our strategy is for everyone. It is about building a community where our people come first, they feel supported and their wellness is valued.
Our commitment to wellness
Sask Polytech has created an integrated approach to wellness that addresses a broad spectrum of wellness dimensions including — life, mind, body, and community. We recognize that wellness is vital to student success and in fostering a healthy workplace for faculty and staff.

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