The Saskatchewan Polytechnic board of directors is the governing board of Saskatchewan Polytechnic and derives its powers from, and exists under, the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Act (pdf). Through its strategic guidance and oversight of the management of the business of Saskatchewan Polytechnic, the board ensures accountability to the minister responsible for Saskatchewan Polytechnic and the people of Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic board members hold office for a term that does not exceed three years, and board members cannot hold office for more than two consecutive terms.

The Lieutenant Governor in Council appoints the board of directors for Saskatchewan Polytechnic, which may not consist of less than 10 members, and may not be more than 20 members.

The board must include in its membership:

  • one Saskatchewan Polytechnic student;
  • one member of the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission appointed pursuant to The Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Act, 1999; and
  • one member of a board appointed pursuant to The Regional Colleges Act.

Minutes of the board of directors will be made available upon request.

Requests may be submitted by email to: