Band: Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation   
Hometown: Batoche, SK
Program: Continuing Care Assistant certificate  
Campus: Prince Albert  
“You can’t quit—you’ve come too far in life—keep going.” 
When Jennifer Starblanket considers her student life at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, she says, “The support received from the staff is what stands out most. The people here help you achieve what you want to become.”  
Jennifer accessed Student Services on campus. “Learning Services has done an amazing job of helping me get through difficult assignments,” she says. She’s also found support through the Indigenous Students’ Centre, the Summer Transition Program and her amazing classmates.  
Finding funding and reliable transportation were some challenges Jennifer faced. She recommends reaching out to access Student Services for assistance. She says, “Sask Polytech has very supportive staff. Use your Indigenous student advisors. They’re understanding, loving and encouraging and can set you up with learning and financial supports if you need it.”  
Jennifer has a job waiting for her when she graduates. “I will be happily working at Pineview Terrace Special Care Home in Prince Albert,” she says.  
Growing up in care, Jennifer shares reassuring words for others who may have similar journeys: “You can’t quit—you’ve come too far in life—keep going. Set an agenda for completing your assignments on time and you can get across the finish line.”