Hometown: Warman, SK
Program: Business diploma
Campus: Saskatoon
“Never stop moving forward. Help is there—all you need to do is ask.”
Daniel Roy applied to Saskatchewan Polytechnic at the suggestion of his ADHD coach.
The Métis student, who is enrolled in the Business diploma program, says he ultimately
chose Sask Polytech “because of the accommodations they offer students with disabilities.”
Although his biggest challenge has been managing his student workload, he manages
to stay on top of his studies by “putting one foot in front of the other, one day
at a time,” he says.
Daniel learned to lean on the supports available to him, including his Indigenous
student advisor, Learning Services, Accessibility Services and the Indigenous Students’
Centre. “They all helped me in terms of studying, advice and assistance,” he says.
The support he’s received from his instructors has also set him up for academic success.
“They’re all so welcoming and they make you feel safe,” says Daniel.