Latin binomial name: Achillea millefolium
Woods Cree name: wāpanīwask (sometimes diminutive: wāpanīwaskos)

Common Yarrow is found in clearings around wooded areas, and in meadows. The leaves alternate on the stem and are divided into segments which resemble fern leaves. It has both erect stems that grow 10-70 centimeters tall and horizontal, underground stems called rhizomes that allow it to spread over an area.

This plant has many uses, the most common being the powerful ability to nourish and heal our skin, it’s a fantastic astringent. This plant can also quickly stop bleeding, relieve cramps and reduce fevers.


Stem that branches off to three smaller stems with white flowers at the top with small leaves at the base of the main stem
Yarrow plant leaf is a muted green and is like a delicate finely textured feather with multiple slender, linear segments branching out from a central stem


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