Latin binomial name: Plantago major
Woods Cree name: wāpiski-mōniyāw osit
An introduced species common to disturbed or cultivated areas, it is found throughout most of North America. It grows low to the ground in a cluster of strongly veined, egg-shaped leaves. Seed capsules are arranged in spikes from the center of the leaves.
This plant is magical! Often found near nettle which is natures convenient way to rid the nettles nasty burn by using the leaves of plantain, you can use a spit poultice or simply rub the plant and its liquid on the affected area. Plantain is also very convenient in this area with our abundance of mosquitos as it will help take the itch away. Chewing a piece of the root and keeping it on the affected area can help draw out infection and reduce the discomfort of a toothache.

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