Civil Engineering Technologies (Civil Construction option or Water Resources option)

Civil Engineering Technologies is a 27-month diploma program offered full time at Saskatchewan Polytechnic Moose Jaw Campus. It includes five academic semesters and two four-month consecutive Co-operative Education work terms. The program offers two options; Construction and Water Resources. 

The first two semesters are common to both disciplines. You will build skills in:

  • Surveying
  • Computer applications and modelling
  • Communications
  • Materials analysis and testing procedures and protocols
  • Hydraulics
  • Project Management
  • Municipal infrastructure

Students select their option after successfully completing the second semester. Twenty-eight students will be accepted into the Construction option and 20 students will be accepted into the Water Resources option. If the number of students desiring either option is more than the available seats, a competitive entry process will be utilized based on student performance in the first two semesters.

In semesters three, four and five, you will focus on your chosen option.

In Construction, you will develop well-rounded knowledge and skills in:

  • Geotechnical Engineering (soils investigations and earthworks projects, etc.)
  • Pavement design
  • Structures (steel, timber, reinforced concrete)
  • Transportation

In Water Resources, your studies will focus on:

  • Meteorological and hydrometric data collection and analysis
  • Water chemistry
  • River engineering
  • Hydrology
  • Watershed Management
  • Water supply and flood and drought management
  • Water quality management

The emphasis on hands-on learning means you'll spend a lot of your time in labs and on field assignments. You will participate in field and survey camps, practical assignments, and carry out applied research and other projects.

Spend the Day
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Want to know more about our program? Spend the day with some of our students at spring field camp, meet our staff and tour our facilities.
Co-operative work terms are paid, so you'll earn while you learn. Saskatchewan Polytechnic arranges your interviews; it's up to you to shine. It's also a chance to develop important "soft skills" in job interviewing, professional attitude, interpersonal communication and more.

Many of our co-op employers require both a valid Saskatchewan Driver's Licence and a clean Driver's Abstract. For international students, it can take up to 12 months to obtain a Driver's licence; therefore, it is to your advantage to come with a Driver's Licence from your home country if possible.

Some opportunities require a Criminal Record Check and/or drug and alcohol testing.
Civil Engineering Technologies: Construction

Use your diploma to ladder into the Bachelor of Construction Management or Bachelor of Applied Management degree right here at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. Graduates can also ladder into an external engineering degree bridging program at Camosun College in British Columbia, an engineering degree at Lakehead University in Ontario, a degree in Construction Management in Calgary or a technology degree at Memorial University in Newfoundland.

Civil Engineering Technologies: Water Resources

Use your diploma to ladder into the Bachelor of Construction Management or Bachelor of Applied Management degree right here at Saskatchewan Polytechnic or into external engineering degree at the University of Regina, an applied science degree at Lakeland College in Alberta, an environmental science or environmental management degree at Royal Roads University in British Columbia, or a technology degree at Memorial University in Newfoundland.
  • Twenty-eight Construction and 20 Water Resources students are accepted each year.
  • Students will experience laboratory and project work, lectures and co-operative work terms.
  • Class hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. Students are expected to complete 30 to 40 hours of homework each week outside of class time.
  • There are many group projects that require coordination.
  • It is very important that students take initiative and manage their work time effectively.
As a student in this program, you can sharpen your intercultural skills. You may have an opportunity to study and learn abroad. Learn more about global learning experiences at Sask Polytech.

Career and salary information

Your career

Saskatchewan Polytechnic graduates are working as civil engineering design technologists, traffic technologists, building inspectors, materials testing technologists, estimators and project coordinators. Potential employers include rural and municipal governments, provincial highway departments, consulting engineering firms, construction companies, research organizations, mining companies, telecommunication and transportation companies, power utilities and more.
Engineering Technologists with a specialty in Water Resources are in high demand. Potential employers include provincial and federal governments, research laboratories, inspection agencies, environmental agencies, engineering firms, consulting companies, industrial plants, and hydroelectric utilities. Upon graduation, you will be qualified to work as an engineering technologist, project manager, environmental protection officer (EPO), compliance officer, lab supervisor, lab technologist, hydraulics/hydrology technologist or a water analyst.

Potential careers

Sample job title NOC classification
Civil engineering design technologist Civil engineering technologists & technicians (22300)
Traffic technologist Civil engineering technologists & technicians (22300)
Construction estimator Construction estimators (22303)
Building inspector-structure Construction inspectors (22233)
Environmental officer Public & environmental health & safety professionals (21120)
Water inspector Public & environmental health & safety professionals (21120)
Groundwater technologist Geological & mineral technologists & technicians (22101)
Hydrology technician Geological & mineral technologists & technicians (22101)


Admission requirements

Alternative admission

Applicants who do not possess the academic qualifications for a program may be admitted if evidence of probable success can be established through an alternative admission assessment. Applicants are automatically considered for alternative admission. However, some specific admission requirements may still need to be met.


Refer to the ACCUPLACER© cut scores for this program below, and review additional details concerning Alternative Admission using Accuplacer.

  • 250 Arithmetic
  • 240 Advanced Algebra and Functions
  • 256 Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics
  • 250 Reading
  • 245 Writing


Some programs allow applicants to meet the admission grade level requirement using 15 approved post-secondary credits. Review additional information.

If the program applied to has specific course requirements, they may be met through alternative post-secondary courses. Review already approved courses that may be used for admission purposes for your programs.

Admission method

First Qualified/First Admitted

The First Qualified/First Admitted (FQFA) process is used for the majority of Saskatchewan Polytechnic programs. When we determine that you meet the program's admission requirements, you will be offered admission based on the date you fully qualify for the program. The earlier you provide the appropriate documents and information that qualify you for admission to the next intake, the earlier you might begin your studies. Your application, once qualified, is always considered for the next intake. 

Applicants to programs with multiple intakes in an academic year remain in the application pool until the last intake for that academic year has begun. Programs using the FQFA process receive applications year round and maintain an application pool for each academic year. Qualified applicants who are not offered a seat must reapply for the next academic year. 

Sponsored programs or programs targeted to specific groups do not accept applications year round or maintain an application pool.

See Admission Processes for more information about this method of admission.

Tuition and fees

Estimates are based on current rates and are subject to change. Amounts for a program may vary by campus. Totals shown here include all mandatory fees as well as approximate cost for books and supplies. Visit the Tuition and Fees web page for a complete breakdown of tuition and fees for this program.

2024-25 academic year

Year 1 - $10,870
Year 2 (Construction option) - $6,420
Year 3 (Construction option) - $3,790
Year 2 (Water Resources option) - $6,860
Year 3 (Water Resources option) - $3,060

CSA-approved work boots are required for the program and should be purchased before entering into the program. Safety glasses and a safety vest are required and available at the Campus Store, or you can purchase them before entering into the program.

International students

View tuition rates for international students.


The program follows this academic and co-operative education schedule. Courses are outlined below by semester.
  Sept - Dec Jan - Apr May - Aug
Year 1 Semester 1 Semester 2 Work term 1
Year 2 Work term 2 Semester 3 May - July
Semester 4
Year 3 Semester 5     
Semester information only pertains to full-time/on-campus students, and part-time/online students should view course prerequisites when scheduling courses.

Get credit for what you know

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Saskatchewan Polytechnic recognizes that adults learn in many different ways. This includes acquiring knowledge and skills through life and work experience or non-formal training.

See link(s) below to get more information about PLAR.

All students can apply to write a challenge exam to receive credit for MAT 101.  For more information, please contact the Department Head of Arts & Sciences.

Transfer credit

Many Sask Polytech students benefit from transferring course credit. You may be eligible to transfer credit to Sask Polytech or to another college or university.

Institution Details
Cape Breton University Graduates of the Water Resources option may be eligible for 36 cu in the Bachelor of Engineering Technology Environmental Studies or Petroleum degree programs.
Lakehead University Graduates of this program may obtain advanced standing toward a degree in engineering.
Lakeland College Graduates of this program may be eligible for admission to Lakeland College's Bachelor of Applied Science: Environmental Management (BAppSc) Degree program. 
Memorial University Graduates of this program may be eligible for block transfer into Bachelor of Technology Degree with 39 credit hours (13 courses) to be completed, including a technical project and report.
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Graduates of this program may be eligible for direct admission into the two-year Bachelor of Technology program at NAIT.
Royal Roads University Graduates of this program may receive a block transfer of 60 credit units into BS Environmental Science, BS Environmental Practice, and BA Environmental Practice.

Student awards

Thanks to the generosity of donors and alumni, Saskatchewan Polytechnic gives away more than $2 million in student awards during the academic year.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic offers student awards for every certificate and diploma program at every campus. Not all student awards are based on marks - some are based on financial need or things like community or volunteer involvement.

More about scholarships


Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC) accredits the program at the Technologist level.

TAC is a bold, world class accreditation organization, delivering accreditation services for the engineering technology and applied science profession in Canada.

Professional registration

Technology Professionals Saskatchewan

Technology Professionals Saskatchewan is the provincial regulatory body for graduates of this Saskatchewan Polytechnic program. As a graduate of an accredited program recognized by Technology Professionals Saskatchewan, your academic training places you on an expedited path towards obtaining professional registration as a professional technologist (P.Tech.) or certified technician (C.Tech.). For more information, visit

Engineering Design and Drafting Technology

Environmental Engineering Technology

Integrated Resource Management

Resource and Environmental Law

Additional information

Women in Trades and Technology