Integrated Resource Management

Saskatchewan’s natural resources are rich and varied—fisheries, forests, wildlife and park areas. Integrated resource management (IRM) takes a balanced approach to managing these resources. The focus is on sustainability and stewardship.

Integrated resource management practitioners are analytic thinkers who combine a knack for science with a love of the outdoors. It’s an excellent career choice if you want to play a role in sustainable silviculture (forestry management), fisheries, wildlife or park management.

Integrated Resource Management is a two-year diploma program that gives you a unique perspective on balancing the environmental, economic and social factors of natural resource development. The program emphasizes hands-on learning through labs, camps, field exercises and work experience. You’ll learn how to collect and analyze data, enforce regulations and monitor resource use. You’ll develop knowledge and skill in:

  • applying Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to resource management situations
  • applying statistics to resource management problems
  • fish, wildlife, forestry and parks management
  • implementing quality control
  • mapping, compassing and remote sensing
  • operating and maintaining chainsaws, boats and trailers
  • plant and wildlife identification
  • research design, analysis and technical reporting
  • surviving in the wilderness

You’ll graduate with hands-on experience from a North American Wildlife Technology Association (NAWTA) accredited program.

Field camps are a popular part of Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Natural Resources programs. We have our own outdoor camp on the north side of Candle Lake, the Hannin Creek Education and Applied Research Centre. You’ll spend three weeks here in the fall learning a variety of hands-on skills. You’ll return for winter camp to learn about winter ecology and outdoor survival. 
Leverage your diploma into the Bachelor of Applied Management degree at Saskatchewan Polytechnic with only two years of additional study. Remote classes and part-time options are available.

Ladder your Integrated Resource Management diploma into a degree at the University of Regina (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology), Lakeland College (Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Management) or University of Regina/First Nations University of Canada (Bachelor of Arts in Resource and Environmental Studies).
As a student in this program, you can sharpen your intercultural skills. You may have an opportunity to study and learn abroad. Learn more about global learning experiences at Sask Polytech.

Career and salary information

Your career

Career choices for Integrated Resource Management graduates are excellent. You could work as a fish and wildlife technician, forestry technician, plant specialist or park ranger across Western and Northern Canada. You might work for conservation authorities, First Nation communities, forestry companies, exploration and resource companies, government agencies, municipalities, private contractors and many more.

Potential careers

Sample job title NOC classification
Biological technician Biological technologists and technicians (22110)
Fish and wildlife technician Biological technologists and technicians (22110)
Wildlife technologist Biological technologists and technicians (22110)
Forestry technician Forestry technologists and technicians (22112)


Admission requirements

  • Grade 12
  • Minimum 65% average in English Language Arts A30 and English Language Arts B30 (combined)
  • Minimum 60% in Workplace and Apprenticeship Math 30 or 60% in Foundations of Math 30 or 60% in Pre-Calculus 30*
  • English Language Requirement

*Previous Saskatchewan mathematics requirement also accepted:

  • Minimum combined average of 60% in Math A30 and B30


  • It is recommended that students entering the program have basic skills in Microsoft Word and Excel.
  • For employment purposes, graduates may be required to obtain First Aid certification. Students will be offered the First Aid course FAID 1001 at the beginning of their program.

Alternative admission

Applicants who do not possess the academic qualifications for a program may be admitted if evidence of probable success can be established through an alternative admission assessment. Applicants are automatically considered for alternative admission. However, some specific admission requirements may still need to be met.


Refer to the ACCUPLACER© cut scores for this program below, and review additional details concerning Alternative Admission using Accuplacer.

  • 250 Arithmetic
  • 254 Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics
  • 253 Reading
  • 247 Writing


Some programs allow applicants to meet the admission grade level requirement using 15 approved post-secondary credits. Review additional information.

If the program applied to has specific course requirements, they may be met through alternative post-secondary courses. Review already approved courses that may be used for admission purposes for your programs.

Admission method

First Qualified/First Admitted

The First Qualified/First Admitted (FQFA) process is used for the majority of Saskatchewan Polytechnic programs. When we determine that you meet the program's admission requirements, you will be offered admission based on the date you fully qualify for the program. The earlier you provide the appropriate documents and information that qualify you for admission to the next intake, the earlier you might begin your studies. Your application, once qualified, is always considered for the next intake. 

Applicants to programs with multiple intakes in an academic year remain in the application pool until the last intake for that academic year has begun. Programs using the FQFA process receive applications year round and maintain an application pool for each academic year. Qualified applicants who are not offered a seat must reapply for the next academic year. 

Sponsored programs or programs targeted to specific groups do not accept applications year round or maintain an application pool.

See Admission Processes for more information about this method of admission.

Tuition and fees

Estimates are based on current rates and are subject to change. Amounts for a program may vary by campus. Totals shown here include all mandatory fees as well as approximate cost for books and supplies. Visit the Tuition and Fees web page for a complete breakdown of tuition and fees for this program.

2024-25 academic year

Year 1 - $9,490
Year 2 - $7,980

International students

View tuition rates for international students.


Semester information only pertains to full-time/on-campus students, and part-time/online students should view course prerequisites when scheduling courses.

Get credit for what you know

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Saskatchewan Polytechnic recognizes that adults learn in many different ways. This includes acquiring knowledge and skills through life and work experience or non-formal training.

See link(s) below to get more information about PLAR.

Transfer credit

Many Sask Polytech students benefit from transferring course credit. You may be eligible to transfer credit to Sask Polytech or to another college or university.

Transfer credit options vary over time; this information is subject to change. Transfer credit options for this program include:

Credit toward a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Biology, University of Regina (this joint diploma/degree requires five additional semesters of university study in Biology and Environmental Studies). If you would like to complete this joint diploma/degree, you: 

  • may enrol in the University of Regina portion first and then transfer to Saskatchewan Polytechnic, or enrol in this program first and then transfer to the University of Regina
  • must register with both Saskatchewan Polytechnic and the University of Regina at the onset of your program (to ensure minimal delay when transferring between the two institutions)

For more information about the joint Integrated Resource Management diploma and degree program, contact Scott Lipsit at Saskatchewan Polytechnic (telephone: 306-765-1635) or Dr. Mark Brigham at the University of Regina (telephone: 306-585-4255). 

As well, graduates may be eligible to obtain 33 credits toward a Bachelor of Science in Forestry or a Bachelor of Science in Forest Business Management at the University of Alberta. 

Institution Details
Lakeland College Graduates of this program may be eligible for admission to Lakeland College's Bachelor of Applied Science: Environmental Management (BAppSc) Degree program. 
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Graduates of this program may be eligible for direct admission into the two-year Bachelor of Technology program at NAIT.

Royal Roads University

Graduates of this program may receive a block transfer of 60 credit units into BS Environmental Science, BS Environmental Practice, and BA Environmental Practice.
University of Regina Graduates of this program may be granted 60 hours of block transfer credit towards the BSc and BSc Honours in Environmental Biology.
University of Regina/First Nations University of Canada Graduates of this program with a minimum GPA of 60% may be admitted into the Bachelor of Arts in Resource and Environmental Studies at the University of Regina and First Nations University of Canada.
University of New Brunswick Graduates of this program may receive 53 credits toward the Bachelor of Science in Forestry or 65 credits toward the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management with a Wildlife Conservation major at the University of New Brunswick.

Student awards

Thanks to the generosity of donors and alumni, Saskatchewan Polytechnic gives away more than $2 million in student awards during the academic year.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic offers student awards for every certificate and diploma program at every campus. Not all student awards are based on marks - some are based on financial need or things like community or volunteer involvement.

More about scholarships


North American Wildlife Technology Association (NAWTA), second year of a three year accreditation; Association of Saskatchewan Professional Forester (ASFP); Canadian Institute of Forestry

Our program is the only one in Saskatchewan accredited by the North American Wildlife Technologist Association (NAWTA). When you graduate, you’re recognized by NAWTA as an accredited practitioner in fish and wildlife management procedures.

Civil Engineering Technologies

Environmental Engineering Technology

Geographic Information Science

Resource and Environmental Law

Additional information

Women in Trades and Technology