Architectural Technologies

Architectural technologists are involved at every stage of building design and construction, from blueprints to building codes and from interior design to space planning. It’s a great career for detail-oriented, visual thinkers who enjoy working in a technology-driven environment. You’ll be able to work in residential, commercial and institutional design and construction.

Architectural Technologies is a three-year diploma offered full time at Saskatchewan Polytechnic Moose Jaw campus. It includes five academic semesters and three four-month Co-operative Education work terms. The program offers two areas of concentration: Building Sciences and Interior Design. The first three semesters are common to both areas. You’ll focus on residential design and wood frame construction (National Building Code - Part 9), and build knowledge and skills in:

  • properties and function of construction materials
  • criteria and methods of building construction and design
  • preparation of construction documents
  • construction contract administration

In your fourth and fifth semesters, you’ll focus in on your chosen area:

  • In Building Science, you’ll receive an introduction to commercial and institutional building construction with emphasis on construction detailing and methods, structural systems, environmental controls and the building envelope (National Building Code - Parts 3 and 4).
  • In Interior Design, you’ll receive an introduction to commercial and institutional interior construction with an emphasis on interior finishes, detailing and methods, space planning, lighting design and material selection (National Building Code - Parts 3 and 4).

Your co-operative work term counts as courses. You pay tuition and receive credit, but you also get paid. It’s a great way to gain valuable experience while earning a salary.

Co-operative work terms are paid, so you'll earn while you learn. Saskatchewan Polytechnic arranges your interviews; it's up to you to shine. It's also a chance to develop important "soft skills" in job interviewing, professional attitude, interpersonal communication and more.

Many of our co-op employers require both a valid Saskatchewan Driver's License and a clean Driver's Abstract. For international students, it can take up to 12 months to obtain a Driver's license; therefore, it is to your advantage to come with a Driver's License from your home country if possible.
Use your Architectural Technologies diploma to ladder into the Bachelor of Construction Management or Bachelor of Applied Management right here at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. This diploma can also be used as a stepping stone to the Bachelor of Interior Design degree program at Yorkville University or the Bachelor of Technology degree program at Memorial University in Newfoundland.
  • 42 students are accepted each year.
  • Students will experience studio and project work, lectures and co-operative work terms. 
  • Class hours are 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. daily. Students are expected to complete 30-40 hours of homework each week outside of class time.
  • There are many group projects that require coordination.
  • It is very important that students take initiative and manage their work time effectively.
  • Students select their specialization after successfully completing the third semester
As a student in this program, you can sharpen your intercultural skills. You may have an opportunity to study and learn abroad. Learn more about global learning experiences at Sask Polytech.

Career and salary information

Your career

Graduates are prepared for a variety of careers in the building design construction industry. Many graduates are self-employed consultants in the home building industry while others work for architects, engineers, interior designers, home designers, facility managers, developers, contractors or construction specialty companies.

Do you need help deciding if these careers could be a good fit for you? Contact Career Counselling Services. Do you already know this is the program you want to take but need more detailed information or help applying?  Connect with a Recruitment Advisor.

Potential careers

Sample job title NOC classification
Architectural technologist Architectural technologists and technicians (22210)
Construction estimator Construction estimators (22303)
Architectural draftsperson Drafting technologists and technicians (22212)
Project manager Construction managers (70010)


Admission requirements

* Previous Saskatchewan mathematics requirement also accepted:

  • Minimum combined average of 70% in Math A30, B30, and C30

Physics 30 is recommended. Physics is not an admission requirement; however, it would be extremely helpful for
student success in the program.

Alternative admission

Applicants who do not possess the academic qualifications for a program may be admitted if evidence of probable success can be established through an alternative admission assessment. Applicants are automatically considered for alternative admission. However, some specific admission requirements may still need to be met.


Refer to the ACCUPLACER© cut scores for this program below, and review additional details concerning Alternative Admission using Accuplacer.

  • 250 Arithmetic
  • 245 Advanced Algebra and Functions
  • 258 Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics
  • 256 Reading
  • 250 Writing


Some programs allow applicants to meet the admission grade level requirement using 15 approved post-secondary credits. Review additional information.

If the program applied to has specific course requirements, they may be met through alternative post-secondary courses. Review already approved courses that may be used for admission purposes for your programs.

Admission method

First Qualified/First Admitted

The First Qualified/First Admitted (FQFA) process is used for the majority of Saskatchewan Polytechnic programs. When we determine that you meet the program's admission requirements, you will be offered admission based on the date you fully qualify for the program. The earlier you provide the appropriate documents and information that qualify you for admission to the next intake, the earlier you might begin your studies. Your application, once qualified, is always considered for the next intake. 

Applicants to programs with multiple intakes in an academic year remain in the application pool until the last intake for that academic year has begun. Programs using the FQFA process receive applications year round and maintain an application pool for each academic year. Qualified applicants who are not offered a seat must reapply for the next academic year. 

Sponsored programs or programs targeted to specific groups do not accept applications year round or maintain an application pool.

See Admission Processes for more information about this method of admission.

Tuition and fees

Estimates are based on current rates and are subject to change. Amounts for a program may vary by campus. Totals shown here include all mandatory fees as well as approximate cost for books and supplies. Visit the Tuition and Fees web page for a complete breakdown of tuition and fees for this program.

2024-25 academic year 

Year 1 - $10,260
Year 2 - $9,280
Year 3 - $3,870


The program follows this academic and co-operative education schedule. Courses are outlined below by semester.
  Sept - Dec Jan - Apr May - Aug
Year 1 Semester 1 Semester 2 Work term 1
Year 2 Semester 3 Work term 2  Semester 4
Year 3 Work term 3  Semester 5  
Semester information only pertains to full-time/on-campus students, and part-time/online students should view course prerequisites when scheduling courses.

Get credit for what you know

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Saskatchewan Polytechnic recognizes that adults learn in many different ways. This includes acquiring knowledge and skills through life and work experience or non-formal training.

See link(s) below to get more information about PLAR.

Transfer credit

Many Sask Polytech students benefit from transferring course credit. You may be eligible to transfer credit to Sask Polytech or to another college or university.

Transfer credit options vary over time; this information is subject to change. Transfer credit options for this program include:

potential transfer credit toward Bachelor and Master's degrees in Interior Design, Architecture and Construction Management.

Institution Details
Athabasca University Graduates of this program may be eligible to receive 30 block credits and 3 credits each for ENGL 255, COMP 210, ARCH 200 and APST 230 for a total of 42 credit units toward a Bachelor of Science-Architecture Post Diploma.
Memorial University Graduates of this program may be eligible for block transfer into Bachelor of Technology Degree with 39 credit hours (13 courses) to be completed, including a technical project and report.
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Graduates of this program may be eligible for direct admission into the two-year Bachelor of Technology program at NAIT.
Yorkville University Graduates of this program (Interior Design specialization) may receive up to 99 transfer credits in the Bachelor of Interior Design degree program at Yorkville University.

Student awards

Thanks to the generosity of donors and alumni, Saskatchewan Polytechnic gives away more than $2 million in student awards during the academic year.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic offers student awards for every certificate and diploma program at every campus. Not all student awards are based on marks - some are based on financial need or things like community or volunteer involvement.

More about scholarships


American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) and Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC)

All Saskatchewan Polytechnic programs shall seek the highest level of accreditation or program approval available. Accreditation reviews will be undertaken by all eligible programs as required by accrediting bodies.  (Saskatchewan Polytechnic Policy #115)

The Architectural Technologies Program is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) which includes both academic and construction industry members.  ACCE standards assure students and employers that program graduates are well prepared for successful careers in the construction industry. (ACCE Document 103A)

The Architectural Technologies Program is also accredited by Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC) which ensures that the program meets the professional requirements for Technologists and Applied Sciences. Program graduates qualify for professional membership in the Technology Professionals Saskatchewan, a self-regulated profession. (SASTT Act of the Government of Saskatchewan)

The ACCE requires that all accredited institutions shall broadly and accurately publish the objectives of the degree program, admission requirements, degree program assessment measures employed, the information obtained through these assessment measures and actions taken as a result of the feedback, student achievement, the rate and types of employment of graduates, and any data supporting the qualitative claims made by the degree program. (Saskatchewan Polytechnic Policy #112)

To meet this requirement, the Architectural Technologies Program Advisory Committee has reviewed and approved the following material for publication. Saskatchewan Polytechnic requires each program to establish a Program Advisory Committee to provide advice, recommendations and guidance to assist in ensuring program quality, relevance and currency. (Saskatchewan Polytechnic Policy #112)

Program Objectives, Assessment and Quality Improvement Plan

Mission statement

The Architectural Technologies program provides students with the highest quality preparation for employment and leadership in all aspects of Saskatchewan’s building design and construction industry.


We endeavour to become…

  • the school of first choice for premier high school graduates and highly motivated university transfers.
  • a program that challenges students to discover abilities and performance levels beyond their expectations.
  • industry’s first choice for hiring students and grads.

We endeavour to provide…

  • complete preparation to work in all aspects of residential design and construction.
  • a comprehensive general introduction to all aspects of design and construction for commercial building types.
  • the highest level of architectural drafting skills.
  • specialized knowledge in residential, commercial and institutional building code, construction detailing and project management.
  • leadership in sustainable construction practices.

Measurable objectives

  • Program Design: documented learning outcomes validated by industry.
  • Student Evaluation: valid assessment of each student and learning outcome
  • Program Delivery: active learning on the part of students.
  • Student Intake: a full complement of new students each September.
  • Student Progression: a high rate of student retention each semester.
  • Learning Resources: a rich diversity of learning activities and resources.
  • Student Support: students are able to make informed and intelligent decisions.
  • Employment: full training-related co-op and graduate employment.
  • Industry Relations: program grads become successful employers.

Applicants and program capacity

Average number of applicants over the past five years: 90

Program capacity in first semester: 42

We recommend that prospective students apply in the fall of their final year of high school.  Please verify admission requirements with the registration office.
Saskatchewan Polytechnic (Procedures #115) has established procedures for both an annual review and a comprehensive review at 5 - 6 year intervals. Where a program is externally accredited, the external accreditation will be coordinated with the comprehensive review.

The Annual Review is a formative review based on quantitative statistical information including application trends, enrolment trends, equity, cohort advancement and graduation, student satisfaction and employment market trends.

As part of the comprehensive review, the Architectural Technologies program also considers qualitative information described in the programs' Mission, Goals and Objectives.  These include program design, student evaluation, program delivery, student intake, student progression, learning resources, student support, employment, and industry relations.

Progress toward program objectives is review annually by the Program Advisory Committee and renewed on the six year cycle with a wider ranging Curriculum Validation and Gap Analysis. (Saskatchewan Polytechnics Procedures #122, Paragraph 3.5).
Results of external processes
  • The Architectural Technologies program is accredited by Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC). The most recent site visit reaccredited the program from July 2022-2027. 
  • The Architectural Technology program is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE). The most recent site visit was in 2020 and the program was re-accredited until 2027.
  • The Architectural Technologies program has articulation agreements with Athabasca University (Architecture) and Yorkville University (Interior Design).
  • Graduates routinely receive transfer credit to the architectural degree program at Montana State University and the Syllabus Program of the Royal Architecture Institute of Canada.

Results of internal processes
  • The Architectural Technologies program is subject to the same continuous internal reviews and program vitality studies as all other programs meeting or exceeding institutional requirements.
  • The Program Advisory Committee, composed of graduated and industry representatives, meets and reviews the program annually, ensuring that the program meets industry expectation.
  • Student, graduate, and employer surveys are conducted biennially with favourable results.
  • The program received positive reviews at the most recent industry Curriculum Validation in March 2020.
  • The program met or exceeded prescribed objectives during the most recent Gap Analysis in April 2020.
Information Obtained:  Some English-Second-Language (ESL) students have difficulty keeping up with lectures.
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) Will recommend to the dean that a bridging program be created to teach construction terminology to ESL students
  • Actions Resulting: (2017) Saskatchewan Polytechnic has created the position of Intercultural Services Language  Instructor to assist ESL students.
  • Actions Resulting: (2018) As Saskatchewan Polytechnic deals with this at the institute level, this matter is considered closed.
  • Actions Resulting: (2020) Some ESL students are taking partial loads in order to improve chances of success.
  • Actions Resulting:  (2022) Increased presence of international students have improved the institutional services for ESL students.

Information Obtained:  Assessment documents have not been completed. This is useful for standardized marking, student information and succession planning.
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) All assessment documents will be completed as part of the new academic model.
  • Actions Resulting: (2017) Aligned with new academic model.  Syllabi, rubrics, and online gradebooks are being phased in and included as part of the learning management system (LMS).  Online gradebooks being phased in.
  • Actions Resulting: (2018) We continue to build the data-base on the LMS, which is now used to provide course information, rubrics and feedback to students.
  • Actions Resulting: (2019) LMS being used in some courses for submissions and interactive grading.
  • Actions Resulting: (2020) All instruction moved temporarily online as a response to the global COVID-19 pandemic response.  Extensive use of the LMS allows complete access to all course material for both faculty and students.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) All courses have been taught using LMS to provide documentation to students. Updates and improvements continue. Content withing archived courses remain available to faculty and students within the LMS.
  • Actions Resulting:  (2022) Faculty continue to expand use of LMS tools to communicate assessment expectations.  Assessment plans are complete or under development with the LMS.
Information Obtained:  Students not well informed about how they will be evaluated.

  • Actions Resulting: (2016) All syllabi now showing percentage breakdown of grades within one year.  Rubrics to be prepared for all assignments.
  • Actions Resulting: (2017) All syllabi now show percentage breakdown of grades. Rubrics and online gradebooks are being phased in and included on the learning management system (LMS).
  • Actions Resulting: (2018) LMS is now used to provide course information, rubrics and feedback to students.  Students have responded positively.
  • Actions Resulting: (2020) Within the LMS, standardized evaluation templates are used by all faculty, resulting in consistent information for students. The matter is now considered closed.

Information Obtained:  There is no mechanism for part-time students to pick up out-of-sequence courses.
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) Extension courses have been created to permit out-of-sequence instruction/evaluation.
  • Actions Resulting: (2018) This is an ongoing matter.  Certain courses may be made available as part of the Bachelor of Construction Management (BCM) degree program.
  • Actions Resulting: (2019) Ongoing.  Pending further development of BCM degree.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) Coordinating with the new School of Continuing Education has allowed students to enrol in non-program courses, which permits full-time study for students. The School of Continuing Education works directly with the program to create asynchronous offerings of program-based courses when required.
  • Actions Resulting:  (2022) Architectural Technologies recieved internal development funding to support developing building code classes as asynchronous, online offerings.  The program will continue to apply for funding annually.

Information Obtained:  Instructors don't always provide timely feedback.

  • Actions Resulting: (2016) New rubrics and web-based assessment have improved both timeliness and quality.
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) Use more learner-to-learner feedback in classroom.
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) Increased formative feedback at intermediate stages.
  • Actions Resulting: (2017) Online grading has been fully developed for PROJ 228 and is being phased in for other courses.  For assignments, the goal will be to return marked work within five workingdays.  For large projects, timelines may be longer.
  • Actions Resulting: (2018)  Online grading has been extended to most courses.
  • Actions Resulting: (2019)  The situation is improved, but still working on this.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) By maximizing use of the learning management system, faculty have consistently provided timely feedback.  This matter is considered closed, but program will monitor.

Information Obtained:  Students perceive a shortage of computers.
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) More computers have been installed.
  • Actions Resulting: (2017) Instruction in computer lab has been reduced.  Computers now available during certain assigned tutorial Classes.
  • Information Obtained: (2017) Perceived shortage of computers persists but degree of concern has been reduced.
  • Actions Resulting: (2018) This matter is considered closed, but the situation is being monitored.
  • Update: (2021) Adoption of virtual desktop provides more flexibility, allowing students to access software remotely.
  • Update:  (2022) Digital options have expanded post-pandemic, resulting in improved access to necessary computers and software.  This matter is now considered closed.

Information Obtained:  Course information is inconsistent
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) We now use a standard online learning management system (LMS) in all courses.
  • Actions Resulting: (2017) Staff and students have responded well to the LMS.
  • Actions Resulting; (2018) Information on the LMS is improved with each course offering.
  • Actions Resulting: (2019) Continue to develop LMS.
  • Actions Resulting: (2020) Information on LMS is more standardized.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) Students and faculty report that a fully integrated use of the LMS allows for easy access to all course information for anywhere in the world.
  • Actions Resulting: (2022) Standardized use of LMS is consistent across program courses.  As online development continues, improvements are made.
Information Obtained:  Part-time instructors do not provide consistent documentation.

  • Actions Resulting: (2016) New assessment documents, rubrics and learning management system (LMS) will be made available to part-time staff.
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) Adult Teaching and Learning training will be recommended for part-time staff.
  • Actions Resulting: (2017) Part-time faculty approved to take New Instructor Orientation training as offered by Instructional and Leadership Development (ILDC).
  • Actions Resulting: (2018) Part-time staff are adapting to the use of the LMS.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) Part-time staff use the same documentation process as full-time staff.  This matter is closed, though will be monitored.

Information Obtained:  With reduction in scheduled time, students now require small/quiet study and collaboration spaces, other than classrooms.

  • Actions Resulting: (2019) Will monitor situation.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) Students increasingly working from home, using online tools to connect with fellow students and faculty.  Will monitor need for breakout spaces.

Information Obtained:  Reduced peer-to-peer learning as a result of remote learning during the global pandemic response.

  • Actions Resulting: (2021) Program is actively creating opportunities for students to collaborated when learning.  Peer learning is considered a crucial part of an architectural education and a skill expected by employers.
  • Actions Resulting:  (2022) Program faculty have implemented strategies to ensure shared learning opportunities between students.  Student report an increased expectation for collaboration.


Information Obtained: Students drop off waiting list.

  • Actions Resulting: (2016) Meet with accepted students 3 months prior to first semester.
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) Increase participation in high school career fairs.
  • Actions Resulting: (2017) Accept more students than program capacity.
  • Information Obtained: (2017) Program is full.  Wait list is longer.
  • Information Obtained: (2018) Students on wait list wait a full year rather than fill empty seats.
  • Actions Resulting: (2019) Working on improving waitlist management by contacting applicants earlier in process.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) Enrolment services works actively with the program to continuously enrol students up to the first week of classes.  All seats have been filled for two consecutive years.
  • Actions Resulting:  (2022) Recruitment efforts have been increased in the wake of reduced enrolment during the pandemic.  The program sees an increase in applications and expects a return to normal levels within a two-year period.


Information Obtained:  Student workload is an issue.

  • Actions Resulting: All courses have been reviewed to remove redundant work.
  • Information Obtained: (2017) Fewer students consider workload an issue.
  • Actions Resulting: This matter is considered closed.  We are however monitoring effect institutional removal of supplemental policy.

Information Obtained:  Students are repeating first year, overload capacity.

  • Actions Resulting: (2020) Program worked with enrolment services to streamline enrolments of returning-to-complete students.  This did not address the capacity problem, but did improve program and student experience.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) More options for part-time progression in the program have been generated.  Collaboration with the School of Continuing Education, and Arts and Sciences have allowed students to take courses outside the program capacity, while still working towards diploma completion.  In program-specific courses, over-capacity enrolments continue to tax faculty resources.
  • Actions Resulting: (2022) Due to lower than normal enrolments, over-capacity students did not tax resources this year.  Will continue to monitor.

Information Obtained:  Many student complete program, but do not graduate.
  • Information Obtained:  Many non-graduated, after successful co-op experience, find employment rather than returning to complete program.
  • Actions Resulting: (2019) We are considering developing online delivery.
  • Actions Resulting: (2020) All program courses are available through remote delivery during the pandemic response.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) Math and physics courses are offered through the newly formed School of Continuing Education.  The capstone course will be offered online to returning-to-complete students.
  • Actions Resulting: (2022) Students are able to complete business and math/science classes online.  Students enrolled in the capstone course will have a mandatory attendance requirement designed to minimize course failures.


Information Obtained:  Lab and study space for unstructured time is limited.
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) Will try to provide more access to computers.
  • Actions Resulting: (2017) Instruction in computer lab has been reduced.  Computers now available during certain assigned tutorial classes.
  • Information Obtained: (2018) Perceived shortage of computers persists but degree of concern has been reduced.
  • Actions Resulting: (2018) New furniture has been ordered for computer lab.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) Implementation of a virtual desktop allows students to work on institutional network from anywhere in the world.
  • Actions Resulting:  (2022) New furniture in flex spaces make repurposing the rooms very easy.  Students report that space requirements are sufficient.  Will continue to monitor.

Information Obtained:  Purchased textbooks are not all "needed".
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) Will ask instructors to consider "recommended" texts and e-books.
  • Actions Resulting: (2017) Some instructors using customs textbooks from publisher.
  • Actions Resulting: (2018) Some material available online.  Will need to monitor situation.
  • Actions Resulting: (2019) Consider of e-book and customized texts.
  • Actions Resulting: (2020) Students working from home during pandemic response rely on texts more often.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) Including more open-source resources in course resources
  • Actions Resulting:  (2022) No complaints regarding textbook use reported.  Will continue to monitor.

Information Obtained:  Some students are unprepared for the workload and time commitment.
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) Mandatory classroom time has been reduced.  More personal tutorial time has been introduced.
  • Information Obtained: (2017) Fewer students consider workload an issue.
  • Actions Resulting: (2017) This matter is considered closed.

Information Obtained:  Several students have not found co-op employment.

  • Actions Resulting: (2019) Consideration of networking through alumni.
  • Information obtained: (2020) Despite unprecedented disruption of the construction industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, more architectural technologies students obtained co-op placements than students from similar programs at Saskatchewan Polytechnic.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) The Co-operative Education office secured enough job postings for all students to have opportunity to obtain co-op placement.  However, some students neglect to participate in the process, resulting in lack of placement.  The program and the co-op coordinator will attempt to decern if this lack of motivation is a result of pandemic-related stress or is an emerging issue.
  • Actions Resulting: (2022) Co-op placements have increased.  Student performance in interviews continues to be a barrier for some applicants.  The program has started an industry mentorship activity designed to help students better prepare for co-op interviews.


Information Obtained:  Under-utilization of alumni as a resource.
  • Actions Resulting: (2016) Will try to develop social network.
  • Actions Resulting: (2017) Need to involve graduates in routine focus groups and fundraising for specific activities.
  • Actions Resulting: (2018) Alumni association is being formed.
  • Actions Resulting: (2019) 60th Anniversary event being planned.
  • Actions Resulting: (2020) Successful Anniversary event and several alumni social events took place.  Alumni participated in Curriculum Validation.
  • Actions Resulting: (2021) Alumni network is growing in province.  Live events are postponed until pandemic.
  • Actions Resulting:  (2022) Live events were held in 2022 with positive feedback.  More events are planned for the coming years.

Student awards
Students in the Architectural Technologies program have recently won Academic Achievement and Centennial Merit awards for overall average as well as specific awards for achievement in individual courses.

The Saskatchewan Association of Architects, the Interior Designers Association of Saskatchewan, Construction Specifications Canada, and the Saskatchewan Applied Science Technologists and Technicians all offer student awards.

Skills Canada
The Skills Canada National Competition (SCNC) is the only national, multi-trade and technology competition for students and apprentices in the country.

Every year, more than 500 young people from all regions of Canada come to SCNC to participate in over 40 skilled trade and technology contests.

Each year, the Architectural Technologies program sends a graduate to compete at the national competition.  Competing against the best representatives from all across Canada since 2000, Saskatchewan Polytechnic students have routinely earned a place on the podium.

Applied research awards
The Architectural Technologies program often participates in applied research with industry partners.  The Architectural Technologies program has won five awards from the Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development for a series of small projects including studies of a green roof, community gardens, 100-mile house and a project in Thailand which involved students travelling to Thailand to build a school using local-sustainable materials.

In addition, the program won a federal NSERC grant for study of energy consumption in commercial buildings.
Co-operative employment program
All students are required to work three paid work terms with local employers.  When a graduate seeks full-time permanent employment, they are looking for their fourth job, not their first.  Generally, students from this program find co-op employment.

During temporary economic downturns pertaining to resource prices, it sometimes takes longer to find employment.  Our students and graduated have an edge over those without formal construction education.

Typical co-op employment over three semesters.
  • Architectural firms (18)
  • Construction companies/Project Management (16)
  • Government facilities (10)
  • Engineering companies (4)
  • Other (9)
In Regina:  33 placements
In Saskatoon: 28 placements
Other locations: 14 placements

Graduate employment
In recent years, all graduates seeking employment have been employed in the construction and design sectors.  Many return to a previous co-op employer.  Other seek new opportunities.  Some continue with their educations.

Graduates may be employed in design offices, by homebuilders, by heavy construction companies, by property managers, by governments, and by construction material suppliers.

It is not unusual for a graduate with a few years' experience to open their own design or construction management firm, usually in the residential sector.

There is no better way to assess the program than to speak with former grads who now work in the construction industry.  Contact the program and you will be put in touch with several grads.
Aggregate data is available on the Saskatchewan Polytechnic web site.  Program specific data may be obtained from the dean's office.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic routinely surveys students, graduates and employers.  These are incorporated in the formal internal quality assessment process.  Following are the most recent (2018) survey results.  The next survey taken in 2020, will be published in 2021.

Employers (% satisfied with graduate skills in 2021-22)
Oral and written skills - 94%
Numerical skills and problem solving - 100%
Time management - 100%
Flexibility and adaptability - 84%
Work ethic and attention to detail - 97%
Attention to safety - 94%
Leadership and interpersonal skills - 97%
Technical knowledge and skills - 100%

Employers (% agreeing to following statement in 2021-22)
Satisfied with training - 100%
Satisfied with job performance - 100%
Would hire another graduate - 100%
Better than grads from other schools - 50%

Graduates (% level of satisfaction)
Instruction delivered - 100%
Educational experience - 100%
Program experience - 100 %
Relevance of training - 100%
Campus facilities - 81%
Student support services - 81%
Campus activities - 44%
Workplace skills - 100%
Employment opportunities - 94%
Improved earning potential - 81%

Current Students (% agreeing to following statement in 2021-22)

Overall, I am satisfied with my program - 86%
Overall, I am satisfied with my experience at Sask Polytech - 89%
I would recommend the program to others - 77%
Overall my program has contributed to my knowledge, skills, and personal development - 96%
I have acquired work-related knowledge and skills - 92%
My program emphasized solving complex, real-world problems - 92%
My program emphasizes working effectively with others - 95%
I find my program to be academically challenging - 95%
I was made aware of my role and responsibilities as a student - 94%
Course work emphasizes forming a new idea or understanding from various pieces of information. - 96%
Instructors used examples or illustrations to explain course materials - 95%
I feel safe and secure on campus - 97%
Classroom/lab facilities are sufficient - 95%


Civil Engineering Technologies

Engineering Design and Drafting Technology