Do you have prior education, work experience and/or job training that relates to your program area? If so, you could be eligible for credit that reduces your study time and cost. Credit can also be applied from your Sask Polytech program to another institution.
Which credit option(s) is best for me?
1. Do you want to transfer your Sask Polytech credits or program to another institution?
- See transfer credit to another institution for information.
2. Have you completed courses from another college, university or technical institute?
- See transfer credit to Sask Polytech for information.
3. Have you completed any certified, standard training (e.g. , Food Safety)?
- See transfer credit to Sask Polytech for information.
4. Have you completed any Sask Polytech (SIAST) courses by distance, on campus at a regional college or through dual credit in high school?
- See equivalency and dual credit for more information.
5. Do you have work experience, job training or life learning related to your chosen program?
- See PLAR credit for more information.
6. Are you a current or former member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), regular or reservist?
- See Canadian Armed Forces credit for more information.
Are there any important factors I should be cautious of?
1. Course load and attendance
Credit for prior learning may reduce your course load and attendance. Full-time or part-time student status in each semester is a common requirement for study permits, student loans, funding sponsorship, child care subsidies, student housing, etc. Reduced attendance may also affect a living allowance provided by a sponsor or eligibility for a post-graduation work permit.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not fall below the required student status in any semester and lose eligibility for funding or services.
- Check directly with the source (Immigration Canada, funding agency, daycare, housing agency, etc.) for any eligibility criteria related to student status and attendance.
- International students need to carefully consider conditions for their study permit and criteria for a Post-Graduate Work Permit. Consulting with a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant is recommended before seeking transfer or PLAR credit.
- At Sask Polytech, 25 course hours per week is 100 per cent course load and attendance.
Full-time and part-time student status are calculated as follows:
- Without a disability
- At least 15 hours for every week of study (60 per cent) is required for full-time status.
- Between 5 hours (20 per cent) and 14.99 hours for every week of study is required for part-time status.
- With a disability
- At least 10 hours for every week of study (40 per cent) is required for full-time status.
- Between 5 hours (20 per cent) and 9.99 hours for every week of study is required for part-time status.
- Without a disability
2. Grade point average (GPA)
Prior learning credit are typically non-numeric grades (TC or CR) that are not calculated into your GPA. See Policy 1208 Grading System and Student Promotion (pdf). A GPA below 60 per cent puts you at risk of discontinuation and/or not meeting graduation requirements.
If you are at risk or want to compete for scholarships, consult with your program head. On one hand, retaking a familiar course may raise your GPA. On the other hand, credit for prior learning may free up time to earn better grades in other courses.
Contact us
- Thinking of attending Sask Polytech? Contact askaquestion@saskpolytech.ca.
- Already a student at Sask Polytech? Contact your program head.
- Not sure who your program head might be? Contact learnerpathways@saskpolytech.ca.
- Not a Sask Polytech grad but are considering PLAR for a course or block of courses?
Contact learnerpathways@saskpolytech.ca.