Prior to taking a test, review the following information to ensure you know what to expect when taking a test through a Sask Polytech Test Centre.
Regular hours
Monday | 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Tuesday | 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Wednesday | 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. |
Thursday | 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Friday |
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. |
What to expect when testing
All users of the Test Centres and designated testing areas are expected to comply with the instructions given to them by test centre staff prior, during, and after testing. Failure to do so and/or disrespectful behaviour may result in inability to continue writing an exam and/or to use the Test Centre or designated testing areas for future exams.
ID requirements
- Current employment ID
- Driver's licence
- Military ID
- Passport
- Saskatchewan Polytechnic ID card
- Secure Certificate of Indian Status (Status Card)
- Declaration of Refugee Status
Check-in process
On-campus testing:
- We suggest you arrive 15 minutes before your booked exam start time.
- If you arrive later than 30 minutes, you will be required to contact your instructor to reschedule.
Remote testing:
- Join the Zoom meeting at least 10 minutes prior to your exam start time. Click on the invitation/link provided by Testing Services staff.
- Unmute yourself and start video in Zoom by using the icons at the bottom of the meeting screen.
- Present your photo ID via webcam to your remote invigilator.
- Complete an environment scan via webcam as instructed by your invigilator. Put away any items that are not permitted. Ensure no one else is present in your testing area and you will not be disturbed during your remote testing session.
- Share your screen via Zoom with your invigilator as instructed. Grant remote control access via Zoom to your invigilator if/when prompted.
- Log in and/or access your testing website. Close all other programs not permitted or needed.
- Have your voucher number ready to enter to start your test.
Testing fees and payment options
If there is a fee associated with your test, payment is due at or before check-in for all assessments. Requests for official receipts must be made on the exam date.
Individual test fees and payment options are available within the specific test information on the Testing Services page.
Dress code
All users of the Test Centres and designated testing areas are expected to abide by the following:
Items not permitted:
- Outerwear such as coats and jackets, sunglasses and hats.
- Wearable technology (smart watches, fitness trackers, etc.).
- Necklaces, scarves, bracelets and other personal items may not be worn as they can cause distracting noises or are places where notes may be hidden.
- Clothing with suggestive or offensive slogans.
Head coverings are only allowed for religious, medical or legal reasons. If head coverings are required for medical or legal reasons, appropriate documentation must be provided.
Test takers may be asked to turn out their pockets and glasses may be subject to a visual inspection.
Authorized materials allowed in the Test Centre
Only authorized materials are permitted in the Test Centre and designated testing areas. All other items are placed in storage bins and/or lockers depending on the Test Centre. It is advised that valuables be left at home or in lockers, as we are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
The following items are not permitted in the Test Centre:
- Cell phones and all other personal electronic devices including wearable technology (smart watches, fitness trackers, etc.), personal electronics, USB flash drives, recording/listening devices, cameras, laptops, tablets, etc.;
- Books, bags, backpacks, pencil cases and notes;
- Purses, wallets and keys and other personal items;
- Scents and fragrances;
- Food and drink are not allowed. Only water in a clear/transparent bottle without a label is permitted;
- Weapons are not permitted for any reason.
Kirpans are only permitted for religious reasons and must be six centimeters or shorter.
If a test taker is found in possession of or accessing any unauthorized materials, devices, or participating in any unauthorized behaviours during the exam, an incident report will be created and sent to the instructor/educational institute for academic integrity violation review and the test taker may be banned from the Test Centre(s) and designated testing areas.
If a test taker requires additional food or drink due to the length of the exam or a medical condition, it will be kept in the office of the Test Centre administrators. Test takers will be given access to these items outside of the testing area as required.
Scrap paper and calculators require instructor approval and are provided by the Test Centre unless you are informed otherwise. Pens, pencils, erasers and other writing utensils are provided by the Test Centre.
Taking a test
General information:
- Test takers must adhere to the length of their exam as outlined by their instructor or educational institute. Instances of going over time in an exam are reported to the instructor or educational institute.
- Unscheduled breaks are permitted only for restroom use and only if the program/educational
organization permits them.
- Access to personal belongings or permission to leave the building will not be granted for these breaks.
- Students who use a break will not receive additional time to complete the exam.
- Only one student will be permitted a restroom break at a time.
- These breaks will be recorded and submitted to the instructor.
- Test Centre staff may inspect the washroom area before or after a break, or at any time to ensure test materials have not been hidden in the space.
- During the exam, test takers can only communicate with Test Centre staff.
- Test Centre staff cannot give any guidance or answer questions regarding exam content.
- Only people taking an exam are allowed in the Test Centre.
- Test Centre staff are not responsible for children or adults who require care and/or supervision.
- In the event that children or adults who require supervision are brought to the Test Centre, Test Centre staff will cancel the scheduled appointment.
- In case of emergency (fire alarm, lockdown) test takers must follow the instructions of Test Centre staff.
- Test takers must be their own advocates. If they experience issues or concerns they should notify Test Centre staff or the Test Centre Supervisor as soon as possible.
Remote testing technical requirements:
- Please confirm with your instructor, institution and/or Testing Services staff what the specific technical requirements are for your remote exam prior to your exam date.
- General computer requirements for remote testing:
- Personal computer – laptop or desktop (not tablets)
- Webcam or built-in camera
- Microphone and speakers or headset
- Zoom must be installed and audio/video tested and working prior to most remote exams.
- First, go to the Zoom website and download and install Zoom. Choose the option “Client for Meetings”.
- Then, check that Zoom was set up correctly. Please use the option to join with video.
Specific test requirements:
- Accuplacer tests
- Require a system check to ensure your computer can run Accuplacer.
- Brightspace exams
- Respondus Lockdown browser may need to be downloaded/installed (confirm with your instructor).
- Typing tests
- Require two devices:
- You will take the typing test on your computer (desktop or laptop).
- You will also need an iPad/Tablet/Phone with camera and audio capabilities. This requirement will allow us to watch your monitor and your keyboard while you are taking the typing test.
- Require two devices:
Academic and non-academic misconduct
The test centre is an extension of the classroom. Please ensure you read and understand the Sask Polytech rules regarding academic honesty, and academic and non-academic conduct.
Computer hardware, software, equipment and amenities
The following is available to all students:
- Computer hardware:
- Computer tower with Windows 10
- Single screen
- Basic computer mouse
- Standard English keyboard
- Computer Software:
- Windows 10 and all the basic applications that come with it (snip & sketch, Paint 3D, Windows “Ease of Access” Assistive technology apps, etc.)
- Internet browsers; Edge, Chrome, Firefox
- MFA-Free access to Brightspace and Lockdown Browser
- Microsoft 365 Office: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access
- Outlook, OneNote, and OneDrive require students to log into their remote desktop, which requires MFA.
- Adobe Reader
- Sage 50 Premium Accounting
- Additional software can be installed upon request.
- Equipment and amenities:
- A selection of chairs
- Tables for paper exams
- USB headphones for Readspeaker, on first come/first serve basis
- Ear plugs
- Pens and pencils
- Scrap paper
- Access to printer
The following equipment and amenities are available for accommodated students only (current approval required from Accessibility Services):
- Ergonomic chair
- Noise cancelling headphones
- MP3 player
- C-Pen Exam Reader
- Kurzweil 3000 reader, Kurzweil “Read the Web” also available.
- Document holder
- Enlarged/high contrast keyboard
- Noise machine
- Private spaces
- Additional arrangements can be made with advance notice upon approval.