2024-25 program tuition and fee amount

Select your program and campus for 2024-25 tuition and fee amounts for domestic and international students from the menu below to determine the cost of your semesters/program and the date of when the payment is required. Students are required to pay tuition and fees by semester and the amount is due prior to the start of the semester with the exception of the following:

For students paying by student loan, Sask Polytech will request direct payment from the National Student Loans Service Centre up to the available amount for tuition and other assessed fees for the full academic year. For sponsored students, Sask Polytech will invoice sponsoring organizations for tuition and other assessed fees for the full academic year.
International students in their first-year of studies with Sask Polytech must pay tuition and other assessed fees for their first full academic year by their program start date. Full-year tuition and additional assessed fees may exceed the deposit paid and differ from the acceptance letter's estimate. Only international students in subsequent years and domestic students are eligible for payment by semester.

Books and supplies

Books and supplies costs are estimates only. If your education is funded by a third party (e.g., Student loans, a sponsoring agency, etc.), you may wish to contact them about the level of coverage in this category.

Tuition by program

These amounts are subject to change.


International students can find the approximate international tuition and fee amounts for the next academic year on the International Tuition and Fees page.

What do the fees cover?

Administrative fees are charged for administrative costs for providing services for the duration of a program. These include costs associated with student ID cards, transcripts, transfer credits, prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) application and graduation.

The following withdrawal fees also apply:

Continuing education/extension, home study, televised and online course withdrawal fee 
withheld from students who withdraw after the posted deadline:
$100 per credit course
Co-op withdrawal fee for co-op programs in the Faculty of Technology and Skilled Trades $125

Co-op withdrawal fee for co-op work terms in the Faculty of Business and Management and Faculty of Digital Innovation and Lifelong Learning

(For the first semester of a work term if student withdraws by October 31, February 28 or 29 and May 31. Monies paid for subsequent co-op semesters will be fully refunded upon withdrawal. No refund for the first semester of a work term if withdrawal notification is received after the aforementioned dates)

50% refund
Domestic student tuition deposit switch fee (after first switch) (except SCBScN) $250
International student tuition deposit switch fee (59-30 days before program start) (except SCBScN) $500
International student tuition deposit switch fee (29 days before program start up to and including fifth scheduled day of program (except SCBScN) $1000

For program specific administrative fees at a per credit unit rate, see Saskatchewan Polytechnic Fee Schedule (pdf), section A. 

Non-refundable application fees are charged for the cost of processing applications and documents associated with the admission process. The application fee must be paid at the time of application and is required for each application to a Sask Polytech program and location.

Domestic applicants 

Online application fee $80
Paper application fee $100


International applicants

Online application fee

  • Includes an international document assessment fee.

Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing program applicants

Application fee

  • Based on the University of Regina fee structure.

Programs exempt from application fee:

  • Literacy and Adult Education programs
  • Programs delivered through a Saskatchewan regional college or Gabriel Dumont Institute
  • Skills Training 

Contact Enrolment Services for more information.

The applied learning/lab fee is assessed on all programs with a laboratory component. The applied learning/lab fee includes costs associated with consumable and non-consumable resources associated with the development and implementation of the offering. (Includes unclassified students permitted by the program head to register in base programs).

For program related fees, see Saskatchewan Polytechnic Fee Schedule (pdf), section B. 

Camp and conference fees are charged for transportation, lodging, and food for these events.

For program specific camp and conference fees, see Saskatchewan Polytechnic Fee Schedule (pdf), section C. 

This fee is $1.75 per credit unit. It covers costs associated with supporting learning, whether remotely or in person.

See Saskatchewan Polytechnic Fee Schedule (pdf), section A.

The fee for each course assessment will be 75% of the course tuition fee that the student would have otherwise paid. Fees may be reduced or waived in exceptional circumstances when approved by the academic chair for the program. If the PLAR attempt is unsuccessful, 25% of the PLAR fee will be charged as an administrative fee and the remainder will be applied to the student's future tuition. 

See Saskatchewan Polytechnic Fee Schedule (pdf), section D.

Service fees apply to miscellaneous items not covered by the administrative fees. They are charged to the user of the service rather than to the general student body.

Application for graduation
(for students not admitted to a program)
Audit (non-refundable)

75 percent of tuition

Canadian Language Benchmark Assessment (CLBA) and CLBA transcript (non-refundable) $250
Continuing Education/Extension deferred exam

Deferred payment of tuition $100

Duplicate completion document (certificate, diploma, degree, etc.)


Duplicate TLR and/or PART card


Duplicate student identification

Freedom of Information request $20 for the application

First hour of processing is free,
$30 per hour thereafter

Grade/student appeal


International document assessment fee $75
For assessment of international documents for regional college and Saskatchewan Polytechnic applicants and students.
Late payment of tuition or fees The greater of $100 or
1 percent per month

Non-sufficient Funds (NSF)


Credit card chargeback fee

Proctoring of non-Saskatchewan Polytechnic examination (individuals and groups)

See Test Centres web page

Assessment Fee
(For prospective students or organizations who request an assessment to a Sask Polytech program without an application)


Wellness Fee

The Wellness Fee is charged to provide students the following:

  • Fitness Centre upgrades
  • Fitness classes
  • Recreation equipment
  • Intramurals
  • Wellness events
$25 per semester to a max of $50 per academic year; non-semesterized programs greater then 20 weeks will be charged for two semesters

Contact Enrolment Services for more information on service fees at Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

These fees are used to support advocacy, student programs, events and services that enhance the post-secondary experience.

The students' association fees are set annually by the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Students' Association General Council in accordance with the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Students' Association Bylaws.

Health and Dental Plans

Students enrolled in full-time on-campus programs of 12 weeks or more in length will be assessed a $280 combined Health and Dental Plan fee per year (excluding SCBScN, CNPP, and LAE programs). You may opt out of this fee by providing proof of existing coverage within 30 days of your program start date.

Emergency Student Medical/Emergency Repatriation and Transportation Coverage

International students will be assessed this fee to cover any unforeseen emergency medical expenses that are not covered when facing an emergent medical occurrence while traveling to or studying at Sask Polytech. The first 30 days’ coverage provides a bridge to medical care while students have their application processed for the Saskatchewan Provincial Health Services. The Plan also provides benefits not covered by the Canadian healthcare system, such as repatriation and family transportation to bedside (when applicable) for new and continuing students.

First Year - $150 (Medical Emergency Travel and Repatriation & Emergency Transportation)

Subsequent years - $72 (Repatriation & Emergency Transportation Only)

You may opt-out of this Plan by providing proof of existing coverage within 10 days of the effective date of the Plan.

For program specific Students' Association fees, see Saskatchewan Polytechnic Fee Schedule (pdf), section E. 

A technology fee is charged for providing learning supports, mobile and other types of connectivity on- and off-campus to access program and course learning and assessment materials.

For specific technology fees, see Saskatchewan Polytechnic Fee Schedule (pdf), section A. 

Tuition Fees are charged for providing the education, training and credentialing of a program.

Once you are accepted, a non-refundable deposit toward your tuition is required to confirm that you accept the admission offer.

Tuition deposit amounts:

Domestic applicants (not applicable to Skills Training)

International applicants $10,000
International applicants in subsequent program $2,500

International applicants to bundled programs

  • Assessed at program one ($7,500)
  • Assessed at program two ($2,500)
Tuition deposit for credit extension courses (permitted only for students waiting for student loan or sponsorship funding) $100 per course

For per credit unit tuition rates, see Saskatchewan Polytechnic Fee Schedule (pdf), section A. 

For a detailed breakdown of all fees, see the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Fee Schedule (pdf).

How do I pay?

Once you are accepted to a program, you must pay your tuition deposit to hold your seat. Tuition and fees are due on the first day of classes.

Payment options