The Supplier Code of Conduct aligns procurement goals identified in the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan Leading the Rise. The Code also aligns with the International Labour Organization’s Declarations on Fundamental Principles and Rights of Work, the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Suppliers are required to comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct and other Sask Polytech policies and procedures.
Our Strategic Plan confirms that Sask Polytech is “passionate about creating an environment where lifelong learners gain knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve and succeed at work, in their communities and in life. We know that by empowering learners to realize their aspirations throughout their learning journey, we are building a better Saskatchewan and a better world.”
This SCoC is intended to support that commitment and aligns with procurement goals identified in Sask Polytech’s Strategic Plan.
The SCoC also aligns with the International Labour Organization’s Declarations on Fundamental Principles and Rights of Work, the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Sask Polytech expects Suppliers to strive to exceed both international and industry best practices. Sask Polytech also expects that its Suppliers encourage and work with their own suppliers and Subcontractors to ensure that they also strive to meet the principles of this SCoC.
Sask Polytech recognizes that reaching some of the standards established in this SCoC is a dynamic rather than static process and encourages suppliers to continually improve their workplace conditions accordingly. Sask Polytech believes in cooperation and is willing to work with its Suppliers to improve practices where necessary.
A Supplier’s failure to adhere to the provisions of this SCoC may be a breach of contract and could result in termination of the contract.
It is preferred, but not mandatory, that Suppliers exceed these SCoC provisions.
“Conflict of Interest” means that the Supplier or its representative, in the performance of the agreement with Sask Polytech and outside the terms of such agreement, has an actual or apparent opportunity to improperly further their private interests or those of their relatives or friends or to improperly further another person’s private interests;
“Subcontractor” means contractors and service providers contracted to supply goods or services to Sask Polytech Suppliers;
“Supplier” means all persons or entities, including contractors, consultants, and business associates, contracted to supply goods or services to Sask Polytech and includes Subcontractors;
“Supplier Code of Conduct” or “SCoC” means this document in its entirety; and
“Sask Polytech” means Saskatchewan Polytechnic.
Supplier code of conduct
- Suppliers will comply with international, national, provincial and municipal lawsrelevant to the location of work.
- Where the provisions of applicable laws and this SCoC address the same issue, theprovisions that are most stringent shall apply.
- Suppliers will not employ people under the age of 15 (or 14 where theInternational Labour Organization exemption for developing countries applies).
- If a child must be displaced to comply with laws and this SCoC, then suppliers will offeradult family members of that child a position to maintain family earnings.
- Suppliers will not use forced, illegal, or prison labour, including indentured or bondedlabour, or any form of compulsory labour to manufacture products.
- Suppliers and their subcontractors shall ensure that their recruitment of employees,whether done directly or indirectly, complies with applicable laws and regulations.Employees shall not pay any fees or other payments to the employer or agent for thepurpose of being hired or as a condition of employment. No such fees shall be deductedand withheld from wages or otherwise passed on to the employees.
- Suppliers and their subcontractors shall not retain an employee’s identity papers orpassports.
- Suppliers will treat workers with respect and dignity. No employee of the Supplier shallbe subject to any form of physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment or abusein their employment.
- Suppliers will ensure workers are free to express their concerns about workplaceconditions without fear of retribution. Workers should have access to a formalavenue to express concerns directly to the Supplier representatives.
- Suppliers will recognize and respect that workers have the right to form or join tradeunions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively.
- Suppliers will comply with local successorship labour laws when transitioning to orbetween contracted service providers.
- Suppliers will pay employees at least the minimum wage required by local employmentstandards or law.
- Suppliers will provide legally mandated benefits.
- Suppliers pay workers directly.
- Suppliers provide workers with clear, written accounting of hours worked,deductions, and regular and overtime wages in a language they can understand.
- Suppliers will ensure regular working hours do not exceed applicable employmentstandards or law.
- Suppliers will ensure that overtime hours are compensated according to theapplicable employment standards or law.
- Suppliers will provide workers with scheduled days off in conformity with applicableemployment standards or law.
- Suppliers will consider employees for positions on the basis of their qualifications andabilities.
- Suppliers will ensure pregnant workers are assigned work tasks appropriatefor, and not threatening to, their pregnancy.
- Suppliers will not discriminate through any means, including publicity, hiring practices, orany term or condition of employment, on the basis of race, colour, ancestry, place oforigin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability,sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age, or because that person hasbeen convicted of a criminal or summary criminal offence that is unrelated to theemployment or the intended employment of that person, except for reasons of bona fideoccupational requirements.
- Suppliers will provide a safe and healthy working environment that meets applicable workplace safety standards, including International Labor Organization standards ratified in the country of manufacture.
- Suppliers will provide employees with health and safety training appropriate for their industry.
- Suppliers will ensure that any living facilities provided for personnel are safe, clean, and meet the basic needs of personnel.
- Suppliers will ensure all waste materials, as a by-product of production, are treated and disposed of properly in an environmentally responsible manner.
- Suppliers will seek out leading industry practices aimed at conserving natural biodiversity, resources, and spaces; reducing carbon emissions and habitat loss; and increasing recycled content
- Suppliers will obey land use agreements, including without limitation those preserving wild spaces and indigenous use.
- Suppliers will not willfully harm animals unless consistent with regular and acceptable research or farming practices.
- Suppliers will prevent undue suffering of animals during loading, transport, and slaughtering of livestock.
- Suppliers be aware of and compliant with all applicable laws and regulations regarding intellectual property, confidentiality, and privacy.
- Suppliers will avoid any actual, potential, or perceived Conflicts of Interest.
- Suppliers will not deal directly with any Sask Polytech employee who holds a significant financial interest in the Supplier, or whose spouse, domestic partner, or other relative, holds a significant financial interest in the Supplier.
- Suppliers will exclude from the bidding and negotiation process any personnel employed by the Supplier who have a family member employed by Sask Polytech in a Sask Polytech department directly involved in the procurement.
- Suppliers will exclude from the bidding and negotiation process any personnel employed by the Supplier who have been employed by Sask Polytech in the previous 5 years in a department directly involved in the procurement.
- Suppliers will disclose and declare any actual, potential, or perceived Conflicts of Interest that cannot be avoided.
- Suppliers will not attempt to secure preferential treatment by Sask Polytech by offeringgifts, entertainment, or benefits to Sask Polytech faculty or staff. Reasonable gifts,entertainment, or benefits common to business relationships are acceptable.
- Suppliers will not speak on behalf of Sask Polytech or as Sask Polytech’s representativesunless specifically contracted to do so.
Sask Polytech reserves the right to:
- Investigate any Supplier who, to Sask Polytech’s knowledge or belief based on informationdeemed reliable by Sask Polytech, has breached any of the terms of this SCoC. The Supplierwill cooperate fully with such an investigation.
- Request proof of compliance with this SCoC.
- Use independent third parties to verify compliance where appropriate.
- Terminate a contract with any Supplier found by Sask Polytech to be non-compliant with thisSCoC.
- Been in breach of any provisions enclosed in this SCoC.
- Been in breach of any applicable laws or regulations.