Last updated: July 2024

The Saskatchewan Polytechnic Style Guide is for use by Saskatchewan Polytechnic employees. Using these guidelines will ensure that Saskatchewan Polytechnic written communication is consistent throughout our organization and presented in a professional manner. This guide is an evolving document and we welcome suggestions for changes, updates, and/or additions.

If academic style is required, please use the APA style.

These publications are the foundation for Sask Polytech’s Style Guide:

The Communications and Marketing Department created and updates these guidelines. Please contact us with questions or additions at

Accreditation (listing of certificates, diplomas, etc.)


Water Resources Engineering Technology diploma

bachelor’s degree, master’s degree; bachelor of arts, master of arts; bachelor of science


B.Sc., Dip.Tech., PhD, BA, BSN, MBA, BSW, Dip., Cert.


  • Use lowercase for words such as certificate, diploma and degree when preceded by the full name of the program.
  • Use lowercase for general references of credentials.
  • Use uppercase for credential abbreviations but only for commonly known terms.
  • Periods are used where abbreviations combine upper and lowercase unless the abbreviation begins and ends with a capital.

List credentials only from programs fully completed and graduated from; academic credentials that are pending should not be listed. Use the following guidelines:

  • Lowest credential first, e.g., Dip. (Civil), B.Sc., MA, PhD.
  • Professional designations:
    • List the designation in chronological order of achievement. e.g., RN, PhD; or B.Sc., M.Sc., P.Eng.
  • Diploma, certificate and journeyperson credentials:
    • List an abbreviated form of the credential. e.g., Dip. (Water Res.); Cert. (Electronics); Inter-Prov. Jny. (Ref. & A/C). If there is more than one diploma, certificate or journeyperson credential, list them as follows: Dip. (Water Res., Civil); Inter-Prov. Jny. (Welder, Carp.).
  • Certifications such as WHMIS or 1A Driver’s Licence:
    • Should not be listed.
  • Nursing credentials are separated from the person’s name (and from each other) with commas. There are usually no periods within the credentials (e.g., “BScN” not “B.Sc.N.”).



Prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) credit assess what you know, no matter how you learned it. Read more to learn more about the PLAR process.




  • Always capitalize acronyms.
  • The expanded form should be used for a first reference followed immediately by the acronym in brackets. After that, the acronym alone can be used.
  • When an acronym is pluralized, the final “s” is lowercase.
  • Familiar and common abbreviations and acronyms can be used without the initial long form.
  • Program Operating Procedures (POP), Ministry of Advanced Education (AE) and Saskatchewan Polytechnic Administrative Offices (SPAO) are only to be used internally at Sask Polytech.



The ampersand (&) is the symbol for “and.”


  • The ampersand should not be used in the content body or in formal writing.
  • The ampersand can be used in titles to save space on the web.


The Sask Polytech boilerplate articulates preferred wording to describe who we are and what we do. It is commonly used in news releases, but it may be used for other purposes. For the most up-to-date boilerplate, check the Media and Press page.



I am registered for Psychology 101.

I am going to my psychology class.


  • Use uppercase only when naming a specific course title. Otherwise use lowercase.


the senior management council

Saskatchewan Polytechnic board of directors


  • In general reference these are not capitalized.


Operating and Capital Plan

Your Future: The Sky's the Limit!


  • Use uppercase for the first letter of all principal words in the title. Principal words are nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs and the first and last words of the title, as well as prepositions and conjunctions of four letters or more.
  • In titles, capitalize the first word following a colon.

See the Accreditation section.


Academic and Research Division

Communications and Marketing Department

Communications and marketing

Paula Jones, dean of Business

John is studying psychology and accounting. 

School of Health Sciences

Saskatchewan Polytechnic School of Health Sciences

The Saskatchewan Polytechnic Library

The Campus Store 


  • Words are capitalized only when they are part of the formal title. General references use lowercase.
  • Divisions, departments, programs and offices are capitalized when used in reference to the role of a specific person
  • Disciplines are not capitalized in general references.
  • The word "school" should be capitalized as it's an official component of the name. 
  • When possible, Saskatchewan Polytechnic should precede the school name.
  • Library locations are collectively described as singular.


Saskatchewan Polytechnic Business and Industry Dinners

Media is always welcome at Saskatchewan Polytechnic events such as open houses and business and industry dinners.



  • If an event has a proper name, capitalize first letters of all principal words.
  • If an event is part of a more general reference, then use lowercase.


Ministry of Finance

Saskatchewan Learning


  • Capitalize provincial and federal government bodies when part of the formal name.


  • Use uppercase for the first letter of the principal words.


Internet, World Wide Web

the web

web page





  • Capitalize specific proper names.
  • General terms should be lowercase.


Pronto Airlines

National Film Board of Canada

the Arthritis Society


  • Names of organizations are proper nouns and capitalized.


Integrated Resource Management program

Centennial Summer Student Employment Program


The word "program" is not capitalized, unless it is part of an official name.




the Banff Centre

the Great Depression


  • A proper noun identifies a specific person, place or thing and begins with a capital letter. 
  • All other nouns are common nouns and should begin in lowercase.


the Moose Jaw Times Herald

the Diabetes Association

the University of Regina


  • Lowercase “the” when it precedes names of newspapers, institutions, companies, associations, etc.


Dear Students and Staff


  • In written salutations, words such as faculty, staff and students are capitalized.


Mayor Wendy Thompson

President Michael Wong

Dean Nora O’Malley

Kevin Doherty, parks, culture and sport minister 

Elaine Howard will serve as acting dean until December.

The finance minister will make an announcement later today.

James Brown, mayor of Saskatoon

Jane Smith, president of Saskatchewan Polytechnic

the vice-president

Arnold Boldt, associate vice-president, Academic and Research Division

Sincerely, Frances Mills, Controller


  • Capitalize formal titles (those that could be used with the surname alone) that are used as part of proper names and when they directly precede the name of the individual. Note this exception: When a person has a very long title, put the title after the name and set it off with a comma in order to avoid “front-end loading” and too much capitalization.
  • A title set off from a name by commas is lowercased.
  • Do not capitalize occupations, professions or job titles used in general reference.
  • A title or role description by itself or following the name of an individual is not capitalized.
  • When the division is included in the title, leave the division capitalized.
  • Organizational roles are capitalized if they are part of an address/signature on a letter whether preceding or following the name.


Find out more information about the Sask Polytech copyright office and policy.



Tuesday, January 8, 2015

Renovations will be complete in August 2015. 

Jan., Feb., March, April, May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.

 the 1980s

spirit of ’76; throughout the ‘50s



  • Wherever possible, in running text calendar dates should be written out in day-month-date-year format with elements separated by commas.
  • Spell out when the month stands alone or appears with a year.
  • For months used with a specific date, abbreviate only month names: Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. (spell out all others).
  • In tables and charts, day and month abbreviations can be used without the period.
  • Use lowercase “s” to pluralize decades.
  • For informal reference to a decade, use an apostrophe prior to the final two digits.
  • When writing multiple years, use the following format 2017-18 (not 2017-2018).
  • The academic year at Sask Polytech is July 1 of one year to June 30 of the next year.

Grammar and usage tips

  • "e.g." and "i.e."
    • e.g. means “for example” and should be followed by a comma.
    • i.e. means “that is” and should be followed by a comma.
  • ”Fewer” and “less”:
    • Use “fewer” to refer to objects that can be counted, e.g., There are fewer students using the cafeteria; I have fewer dollars than you do.
    • Use “less” when referring to general amounts or concepts that cannot be counted, e.g., She has less interest in coffee than I do; I have less money than you do.
  • "In regard to" and "regards"
    • Use “in regard to” not “regards.”
  • "More than" and "over"
    • Use of “more than” rather than “over”: “More than” is preferred with numerals, e.g., He made more than $100 in sales; More than 60 applicants responded to the ad.
    • “Over” is preferred with spatial relationships: She jumped over the hole.
  • "Than" and "then":
    • “Than” is used in comparisons when you are talking about a noun being more, less, etc. in relation to another noun: We have more books than magazines at the library.
    • “Then” is used to indicate time in a series of events: First the student enrolled, then she attended classes.
  • “That” and “which”:
    • Use “that” without commas to precede clauses essential to the meaning of sentences, e.g., I remember the day that I started working at InkHouse.
    • Use “which” and commas for non-essential (could be removed without affecting meaning) clauses: The company, which already has won many awards, is now developing a niche product.
  • “Titled” and “entitled”:
    • In referring to a named work, either “titled” or ”entitled” is acceptable, e.g., The book was entitled The Great Gatsby or The book was titled The Great Gatsby.
  • "Toward" and "towards"
    • Use “toward” not “towards.”
  • ”Who” and “whom”:
    • “Who” is the pronoun used for references to people (not to an institution or university), and it is generally the grammatical subject of sentences, clauses, or phrases, e.g., Who is coming to the party? The man who received the tickets was my friend.
    • “Whom” is used when someone is the object of a verb or preposition, e.g., With whom do you wish to speak? The girl to whom the car was given already owned a truck.



Find out more about how to apply.


  • Do not use "click here".
  • Do not make titles hyperlinks.
  • When linking an email address, ensure the email address is in display using
  • Avoid unnecessary external links as it directs the user away from


Indigenous definitions in this glossary were informed by Indigenous information from: the Assembly of First Nations, Carleton University, Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, Gabriel Dumont Institute, Government of Canada, Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, University of British Columbia and University of Victoria.

We indigenize by holistically integrating Indigenous ways of knowing, teaching, and learning within all of the institutional practices, procedures and services we provide to students, staff and communities. This results in Indigenous people seeing themselves and their realities reflected throughout our institution. It also results in non-Indigenous people gaining the skills and knowledge that enable them to work with and live alongside their Indigenous neighbours knowledgeably and respectfully.
Saskatchewan Polytechnic is committed to the indigenization of our institution. We believe that indigenization is our social and collective responsibility and that it enriches and benefits all aspects of our institutional culture. 

Tawow, háu/haŋ, anin, tanshi, and edlant’e. I would like to acknowledge that Saskatchewan Polytechnic is situated on Treaty 4 / 6 Territory and that we are gathered on the ancestral lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dene, Dakota, Lakota and Nakoda peoples, and the traditional homeland of the Métis.

Notes for presenter:

  • Males say háu (pronounced how) and females say haŋ (pronounced haun)
  • Saulteaux is pronounced soto. 
Saskatchewan Polytechnic serves students through applied learning opportunities on Treaty 4 and Treaty 6 Territories and the homeland of the Métis.

Anin sikwa (Nakawē)
Pronunciation: ah neen See qua
Definition: welcome

Avik wiiyawow (Michif)
Pronunciation: ah-vick wee yah wow
Definition: belong, with them, to be part of them

awîyak kasehkimiht (Cree)
Pronunciation: ahh-wee-yahk gah-see-he-gee-imm-mitt
Definition: giving inspiration to someone, inspiring

bdiheʾ́icʾiya (Dakota)
Definition: to strengthen oneself, empowering

Bi-zhaazhig (Nakawē)
Pronunciation: bee- zaa-ah-zig
Definition: all of you are welcome, welcoming

Daya ya hi (Nakoda)
Pronunciation: dye- yah—yah—hi
Definition: welcoming

ê-sihtoskâtoyahk (Cree)
Pronunciation: e see toe ska tie yahk
Definition: strengthening/supporting each other
The name of the Indigenous Students’ Centre, Saskatoon campus.

Edlanet’e (Dene)
Pronunciation: it lawn EE tay
Definition: welcome

hai, hai (Cree)
Pronunciation: hi hi
Definition: thank you

Hau koda (Dakota)
Pronunciation: how koda
Definition: welcome

Hau kola (Lakota)
Pronunciation: how cola
Definition: welcome

Hau kona (Nakota)
Pronunciation: how ko na
Definition: welcome

Heca (Dakota)
Pronunciation: hey-ka
Definition: to be, to belong to something, belonging

Hóʔą (Dene)
Pronunciation: hoe awh
Definition: welcoming

Hóhiya (Dakota)
Pronunciation: hoe-ee-yah
Definition: Encouragement, inspiring
Men’s way

Ihkwēwāk (Nakawē)
Pronunciation: ik way wuk
Definition: women

įknúwągąduwa (Nakoda)
Pronunciation:New Wag ga Dowah
Definition: to build oneself up, inspiring

Ininiwāk (Nakawē)
Pronunciation: nin ee wuk
Definition: men

Kaykiyow Nassyoon Mamawapowuk Enn plass (Michif)
Pronunciation: ka key ow, nass yoon, ma ma wo po wuk, enn place
Definition: All Nations Gathering Place
The name of the Indigenous Students’ Centre, Prince Albert campus.

Ki-kinomawo (Nakawē)
Pronunciation: ky kin oh mah woh
Definition: inspire, teach by example, teach by role modelling

kinanâskomitin (Cree)
Pronunciation: kin na nask coo meh tin
Definition: thank you

kiscâyâwin (Cree)
Pronunciation: kiss – cah-yaa-win
Definition: to belong, belonging

kiskēyihtamowin (Cree)
Pronunciation: kiss kay it ahh moe win
Definition: experience

kiskēyihtamowin asiwacikan (Cree)
Pronunciation: kiss kay it a moo win, a si wutch i kun
Definition: A collection of resources to help you along your journey towards Indigenization, reconciliation and decolonization
The name of Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s knowledge container.

Mahsi cho (Dene)
Pronunciation: mah see cho
Definition: thank you

mamâhtâwihew (Cree)
Pronunciation: mah-maah-tao-wee-hue
Definition: he/she empowers him/her to do extraordinary things, empowering

Marsee (Michif)
Pronunciation: mar see
Definition: thank you

Marsi (Dene)
Pronunciation: mar see
Definition: thank you

Mîkwêc (Nakawē)
Pronunciation: meeg- wich
Definition: thank you

Miigwech (Nakawē)
Pronunciation: mee gwe tch
Definition: thank you

Mnihéya (Nakoda)
Pronunciation: Min Hey yah
Definition: to strengthen. to make strong, empowering

miyo wâhkôhtowin (Cree)
Pronunciation: mee yoh wah gooh toe win
Definition: good relationships

Nâpêwak (Plains Cree)
Pronunciation: nah pay wuk
Definition: men

Nebah ho?á (Dene)
Pronunciation: nib nah hoe awh
Definition: welcome, there is room for you, there is room for everyone

Nundoweydahgozi (Nakawē)
Pronunciation: NUN do way dah gozee
Definition: where you are wanted, belonging

Ohpihâ (Michif)
Pronunciation: ooh pēē ha
Definition: inspire

Okâch (Nakoda)
Pronunciation:Oak Cha
Definition: to welcome one person

Okâ otâgach (Nakoda)
Pronunication: Oak ohtay Cha
Definition: to welcome more than one person

Okhódaya (Dakota)
Pronunciation: Oak ho die yah
Definition: welcoming

Ombi-ah` (Nakawē)
Pronunciation: oh-bee-ah
Definition: inspiring, to fill someone with confidence and eagerness, inspiring

Pēžik Tēwē-ihkan, Pēžik Mihtē-ihkan (Nakawē)
Pronunciation: p/bay-shhick meh deh ig gaan, p/bay-shhick deh way ih gaan
Definition: One Heart, One Drum Beat
The name of the Indigenous Students’ Centre, Regina campus.

Pidamaya (Dakota)
Pronunciation: pee dah ma yah
Definition: thank you
Men’s way: ho pidamayado
Women’s way: hau pidamayaye

Pihtikewé – kihèw waciston (Cree)
Pronunciation: pee-ta-guay ku-hay-you watch i son
Definition: Eagle’s Nest
The name of the Indigenous Students’ Centre, Moose Jaw campus.

Philámayaye (Lakota)
Pronunciation:pee lah mah yah yee
Definition: thank you

Sītoskawâ (Michif)
Pronunciation: see tōōs kawa
Definition: empower

Tanshi (Michif)
Pronunciation: taun shee
Definition: welcome

tatawaw (Cree)
Pronunciation: tah tah wow
Definition: welcoming

tawâw (Cree and Michif)
Pronunciation: ta wow
Definition: welcome

Tipyihtâkosô (Michif)
Pronunciation: tee pēēya tāā kōōsōō
Definition: belong

Tóhe (Nakoda)
Pronunciation: toh-hey
Definition: his/her place, belonging

tôtamowin (Cree)
Pronunciation: toe ta moe win
Definitinon: action

wāpa kih ôtēh nīkāhn (Cree)
Pronunciation: wah paw key ohtay nee kahn
Definition: tomorrow in the making, looking forward to tomorrow

Wicaša (Dakota/Lakota)
Pronunciation: wee cha sha
Definition: men

Wichitowin ahci kaskihtamâsowin ati nikan (Michif)
Pronunciation: wee chee hee too win - a chēē - gaas gee ta ma soo win a tee nēē kan
Definition: helping each other with success for the future
The name of the 2024-2029 Indigenous Student Success Strategy.

Winyaŋ (Dakota/Lakota)
Pronunciation: wee yeah
Definition: women

wītōkamāhtōtān (Cree):
Pronunciation: wee-toe-ga-maah-toe-tan
Definition: working together toward a common goal

Wiyokihiya (Dakota)
Pronunciation: wee yoke key yah
Definition: empower, to empower someone, to make someone capable of accomplishment

Wįca (Nakota)
Pronunciation: wee cha
Definition: men

Wįyą (Nakota)
Pronunciation: wee yeah
Definition: women

Wopina (Stoney Nakota)
Pronunciation: woah-pin-nah
Definition: thank you

zoongitayehwin (Nakawē)
Pronunciation: Zoo knee tay yah win
Definition: strong Heart/Ability to do something, empowering 

Do not capitalize Cree words.

Elder (capitalized)
First Nations
Homeland of the Métis
indigenization (not capitalized)
Indigenous (capitalized)
Métis (to insert the accent over the e, press CRTL + ‘ (apostrophe) then e) 
Storyteller or storytelling (one word)
Treaty (capitalized) 

Saskatchewan Polytechnic campuses can be found on Treaty 4 and Treaty 6 territories, and Saskatchewan is home to a total of six treaty territories. 

  • Moose Jaw: Treaty 4 territory and homeland of the Métis
  • Prince Albert: Treaty 6 territory and homeland of the Métis
  • Regina: Treaty 4 territory and homeland of the Métis
  • Saskatoon: Treaty 6 territory and homeland of the Métis


There are three types of lists.


Duties include:

  • planning
  • organizing
  • cleaning up 


  • Contains only a few words and no verb phrase.
  • Punctuation and capitalization in short, bulleted items of a few words can be eliminated


You may wish to participate if you have self-identified as:

  • a person of Aboriginal ancestry;
  • a member of a visible minority group;
  • a person with a disability; and/or
  • a female in a non-traditional or managerial position. 


  • Bulleted items are separated by semicolons and with a concluding period.
  • Lowercase the first letter of the bulleted item.


The requirements for selection are:

  • Submit a nomination form.
  • Include a statement of intent.
  • Have the support of your program head/supervisor. This is required due to the time commitment required. 


  • Capitalize the first letter of the bulleted item and add a period at the end.



One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, etc.

One hundred women joined the march.


3-4 p.m.



  • Spell out numbers one to nine.
  • Use numerals for 10 and above.
  • Spell out all numbers beginning sentences.
  • It is acceptable to use M capitalized following a numeral to indicate million.
  • Use numerals instead of word for ranges.
  • Use a comma to separate numbers after 1,000.

Official Saskatchewan Polytechnic names and addresses


Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Regina Campus

Regina campus 


  • Saskatchewan Polytechnic is part of the official name of each campus. Correct format includes a comma between Saskatchewan Polytechnic and the campus name.
  • Capitalize the word campus when it is part of a proper name, e.g., Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Regina Campus, vs. our Regina campus.
  • To refer to all educational locations in a city collectively, use: Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Moose Jaw Campus; Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Prince Albert Campus; Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Regina Campus; Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Saskatoon Campus.
  • When a campus is identified whether in text (i.e., in correspondence, titles of print materials, media releases, etc.) or verbally (telephone answering, media interviews, etc.), both Saskatchewan Polytechnic and the campus name must be used.

Refer to the campus page for official names and mailing addresses.

Refer to the new Saskatoon campus name section below for format and rules on referencing the new Saskatoon campus name.


Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Joseph A. Remai Saskatoon Campus

Remai Saskatoon Campus or Sask Polytech, Remai Saskatoon Campus


  • The full, formal name to use on first mention is Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Joseph A. Remai Saskatoon Campus.
  • On the following second mention within the same reference, or for informal use, the name can be shortened to Remai Saskatoon Campus. As well, the short-form, informal style can be lengthened to Sask Polytech, Remai Saskatoon Campus.



Addictions Counselling program

Early Childhood Education diploma program



  • Use program names as they appear on the website. (Here's the A to Z listing.)
  • Never capitalize the word "program" when used following an official program name.
  • Never capitalize the words “certificate” and “diploma” when it is not part of the official program name.


Saskatchewan Polytechnic


  • The legal name refers to the institution’s name in full. It should be used when possible within the province and always used outside Saskatchewan.
  • Saskatchewan Polytechnic is always the first component of an official campus name.
  • Always use Saskatchewan Polytechnic in the first instance of an official reference, e.g., Saskatchewan Polytechnic Administrative Offices or Saskatchewan Polytechnic board of directors, is used in-text. Thereafter, the name can be omitted and simply Administrative Offices and board of directors may be used.
  • For all inquiries where legal proof is required to show the name change from SIAST to Saskatchewan Polytechnic, please provide the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Act in a pdf form.


Sask Polytech


  • The Sask Polytech shortened version should only be used within Saskatchewan, where it is well-known and understood.
  • The abbreviation is Sask Polytech with a space. It is used without the space in the URL and in social media account names.


  • All attachments for external distribution should be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
  • Convert PDFs to HTML (Web) format where possible instead of forcing the user to download a file.
  • PDFs must have a Sask Polytech logo and conform to design standards.


Annual Report (pdf)


  • In digital format, inform the user of PDF links by including (pdf) at the end of the hyperlink.
  • Have the PDF open in a new window so the user does not lose navigation on the website.

Per cent, percentage, %


per cent 



  • Use the per cent symbol (%) in research reports, scientific and statistical copy, lists, and copy that includes numerous percentage figures. In all other cases, spell out the word per cent. 
    • There is no space between the symbol and the number.
    • Use one format throughout the document.
    • When using the symbol with numbers less than one, put a zero before the decimal point.



AB - Alberta

BC - British Columbia

MB - Manitoba

NB - New Brunswick

NL - Newfoundland and Labrador

NT - Northwest Territories

NS - Nova Scotia

ON - Ontario

PE - Prince Edward Island

QC - Quebec

SK - Saskatchewan

YT - Yukon


  • Use Canada Post’s two-letter abbreviations for province names



The memorandum is consistent with Sask Polytech’s new direction in agricultural programming: to focus on custom solutions that capture emerging opportunities.

The memorandum is consistent with Sask Polytech’s new direction in agricultural programming: We will focus on custom solutions that capture emerging opportunities. 


  • Use a colon before a concluding summary in a sentence.
  • Capitalize the first letter following the colon if the concluding summary contains both a subject and a verb.


New online students are advised to go through the online login demonstration, run their browser tune-up and become familiar with the set-up of their online courses.

Our Internet site is 467-4278, and our intranet site is mySaskPolytech.

As a major employer of Sask Polytech graduates, SaskPower recognizes the importance of providing students with access to the technology they will use in the workplace.

The online students’ welcome letter, which comes from the director of Learning Technologies, helps introduce students to what they can expect from their online experiences.

Students not on work placements network with SaskPower personnel to discuss career options. (“Not on work placements” is a restrictive element, i.e., it restricts participation to those not on work placements and is necessary for correct meaning.)

The announcement on mySaskPolytech read, “Donation creates state-of-the-art lab.”


  • A comma is often used to develop a sequence within a sentence or to separate items in a list. In Sask Polytech convention, a comma generally is not required before the conjunction (and, but, or) at the end of a list.
  • A comma is used between independent clauses joined by a conjunction (and, but, yet, etc.).
  • A comma is used after introductory clauses.
  •  A comma can be used to separate non-restrictive elements (could be removed without changing meaning) from the rest of the sentence.
  • Do not use a comma to separate a restrictive element.
  • A comma is used to introduce a quotation of a complete sentence.

A compound word is made up of two or more existing words. Consult the Canadian Oxford Dictionary.


Our school uses state-of-the-art technology.

Students can choose either one- or two-hour tours.

The 12th-grade student didn’t notice he was on a one-way street.


  • Use a hyphen to join two or more words serving to form a single adjective before a noun.
  • When using hyphens for successive compound adjectives, if the second part of the first adjective is omitted, the hyphen is retained and followed by a space.
  • Use hyphens in adjective phrases that include whole numbers or fractions.
  • Hyphens are not required after a word ending in ly.


Saskatchewan Polytechnic is Saskatchewan's primary public institution for post-secondary technical education and skills training. We're a polytechnic recognized nationally and internationally for our expertise and innovation.


Between sentences, key just one space after a period.



  • Do not use quotation marks in an attempt to emphasize a word, e.g., Enrol “today”!
  • Quotation marks can set off a significant word or phrase, a word used ironically or an unfamiliar term on first reference. Do not use around routine words or phrases.
  • Periods and commas always go inside closing quotation marks; colons and semicolons go outside. Question marks and exclamation marks go inside the quotation marks when they are part of the quoted matter, but outside when they apply to the entire sentence.
  • Quotation marks are placed around cited words or phrases.
  • A quote set within a quote is put in single quotation marks. A quotation within a quotation that also ends the sentence is as follows: Deirdre commented, “Mother is always saying to me, ‘Sit up straight.’”
  • Use single quotation marks in a headline.


The faculty is excited about working with the new equipment; it has sparked the students’ enthusiasm and motivation to learn.


Use semicolons between independent clauses that are not separated by a conjunction.



RSVP to John at 306-555-1234 by Friday, April 19, 2017.


  • When using RSVP on an invitation, do not follow with the word “please” as it is included in the expression, e.g., Réspondez, s’il vous plaît = Answer, please.
  • Make sure instructions are clear and correct.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic glossary

Refer to the glossary.


If the word you are looking for is not included in the list below, consult Canadian Press Caps and Spelling first, then the Oxford Canadian Dictionary second.

$2 million; $2-million project


affect (v.); effect (n.)

alumna (singular female graduate)
alumnae (plural female graduates)
alumn (singular gender neutral)
alumnus (singular male graduate)
alumni  (either plural male graduates or group of graduates comprising both sexes)



antennas (found on televisions etc.); antennae (found on an insect)

award-winning (adj.)


bioplastic (one word not bio plastic)


brand name (n.); brand-name (adj.)

built-in (adj.)

campus’ (plural possessive)

campus’s (singular possessive)

centre (not center)


child care (two words)






counsel, counselling, counselled, counsellor


credentialing, credentialed

Criminal Record Check (capitalize when used in program prerequisites or requirements)

curriculum (singular); curricula (plural)

datum (singular); data (plural)

Day 1 (It’s been the best program since Day 1.)

daycare (one word)

decision making (n.); decision-making (adj.)


degree-granting institution

drop-in (adj.)

Elder (capitalize)


emeritas (feminine form), emeritus (masculine form)

enrol, enrolled, enrolling, enrolment

entry-level job

fast-track (v.), fast track (n.)

first-come, first-served basis


first-year student

follow up (v.); follow-up (n.)

front line (n.); front-line (adj.), i.e., front-line workers

full-load equivalent

full-time classes available full time


GED® (always has the registered trademark symbol following it)


Grade 12 (singular); grades 7 and 8 (plural); grades 9 to 11 (plural)

grey  (not gray)

hands-on (adj.)

head-on (adj.)

head start

health care (n.), health-care (adj.)

high level of proficiency

high school (not high-school)

high-demand admission process; high-demand skills


high-tech training

home page

home study

honour, honourable, honorary

Indigenous (capitalize)

internationally recognized


Internet (capitalized)

intranet (not capitalized)

job ready “students are job ready“;  job-ready “job-ready students”

journeyperson (not journeyman)

judgment (not judgement)



leading-edge technology


licence (n.); license (v.)

 life-changing (adj.)



log in (v.), login (n., adj.)

long-term care

lowercase (n., v.)


mail out (v.), mailout (n.)



Millenials (caps)


myriad (n., adj.)

nationally recognized, nationally accredited


note taking (v.)

on campus (n. and prep.); on-campus (adj.)

on hand


on-site (adj.)


one to two years

overrepresent (one word)

part-time (adj., adv.); part-timer

per cent (two words)


post-degree (adj.)

post-secondary (adj.)

practice (n.), practise (v.) (Nurses practise a variety of health care practices.)

practicum (singular); practicums (plural)

prerequisite (n., adj.)



real-life learning, real-life approach

real-world training



ribbon cutting (n.); ribbon-cutting (adj.)


short order

short-term (adj.) (short-term investment); short term (n.) (in the short term)


sold-out (adj.)

stepping stone

storyteller, storytelling (one word)

subject-matter expert


theirs, its (possessive pronouns) (not their’s or it’s) but “it’s” for contraction of it is (It’s going to rain today)


toward (not towards)


Ukraine (not “the Ukraine”)

undergrads (one word)




uppercase (n., v.)



wastewater (one word)

web page

website (one word, not capitalized)

well-being (n.) i.e., a happy state

well-known (adj.)

well-rounded (adj.)

wide range of student services

wide-ranging (adj.) i.e., wide-ranging skills


work site

work term

workday (one word)




work-ready, workplace-ready (adj.)

World Wide Web (capitalized)

Telephone numbers




  • All phone numbers should be listed as 10 digits without brackets around the area code and with hyphens.
  • Whenever possible, include the toll-free number, 1-866-467-4278.



9 a.m.

10 - 11 a.m.

8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Noon, midnight



  • Don't add :00
  • Use a.m. and p.m., not in the morning, afternoon or evening.
  • Only list a.m. or p.m. once at the end if both times are the same. If one is in the a.m. and one is in the p.m., provide both respectively. 
  • Time is written in figures; however, use noon or midnight, not 12 noon or 12 midnight.

Titles of works


The Globe and Mail



  • Italicize titles of works including books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, movies, songs, album titles, plays, radio and television programs and computer games.


This is the official translation of Saskatchewan Polytechnic in:

  • Within text or explanations of our organization:Full form: École polytechnique de la Saskatchewan
  • Abbreviated form: La Polytechnique Saskatchewan
  • For website or document title purposes:Polytechnique Saskatchewan is acceptable
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