Download Saskatchewan Polytechnic images and videos for your broadcast, print or online news stories. These media resources feature Sask Polytech’s four campus locations and students in various academic and campus settings. They are print-ready and available for your use.

Terms of use

  1. These resources are exclusively for use in news stories and broadcasts that specifically mention Sask Polytech. They are not permitted for use in general post-secondary content or any content unrelated to Sask Polytech.
  2. Please provide photo and video credit to Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

Image library

You can view our image library on PhotoShelter. 

Sask Polytech image library

Video library

You can view our video library on Vimeo.  

Campus life 

School of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Sustainability 

School of Business and Entrepreneurship 

School of Computing and Digital Innovation 

School of Construction 

School of Creative Media, Arts and Sciences 

School of Education and Community Services 

School of Health Sciences 

School of Hospitality, Tourism and Applied Aesthetics 

Nutrien School of Mining, Manufacturing and Engineering Technologies 

Leslie and Irene Dubé School of Nursing

School of Transportation 

Additional resources

Contact us

If you can't find what you need, feel free to contact us. 

Brianna Bergeron
Media relations