How do I begin the process of obtaining licensure?
The first step to apply for registration and licensure is to contact the National
Nursing Assessment Service (NNAS) to begin the application process. The NNAS will
complete a document assessment for all applicants. The NNAS will then notify applicants
that they can apply for nursing registration and licensure in the province of their
choice, except Quebec.
Once the applicant applies to their province of choice, the regulatory body will indicate the assessment required to complete their eligibility. For most applicants, this includes a Substantially Equivalent Competency (SEC) assessment.
Once the applicant applies to their province of choice, the regulatory body will indicate the assessment required to complete their eligibility. For most applicants, this includes a Substantially Equivalent Competency (SEC) assessment.
What is Substantially Equivalent Competency (SEC) assessment?
The SEC assessments involve multiple choice and short answer diagnostic assessment
exams. They also include interview type clinical judgement scenarios, where the candidate
reads a clinical situation and then shares with the assessor what they would do in
this type of situation. In addition, SEC assessments include triple jump scenarios
and Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs). Triple jump scenarios include
having an assessor reading a client situation to the candidate and then having the
candidate develop a problem list, collect information about the client, revise his/her
problem list, and suggest appropriate nursing interventions. OSCEs assess the application
of knowledge and nursing practice skills in a lab setting.
I received a letter from the regulatory body telling me I have to do a Substantially Equivalent Competency (SEC) assessment. What do I have to do next?
You may call or write the Saskatchewan Polytechnic IEN Assessment Centre. When you contact the centre, appropriate documents will be requested (from the candidate)
such as a copy of your language test results (if applicable) and evidence of travel
permission visa (if applicable)
How much does a SEC assessment cost?
You may call or write the Saskatchewan Polytechnic IEN Assessment Centre as fees vary depending on your assessment. There are other costs to you such as
travel, food and/or accommodation.
How do I go about booking my SEC assessment?
After you have contacted the IEN Assessment Centre and all necessary documents have
been provided, the centre will schedule your SEC assessment based on the particular
type of SEC for which you are referred and availability of times on the SEC calendar.
I already took my language test but it expires before I do my SEC. Do I need to take another language test?
The letter the regulatory body sends to the IEN Assessment Centre will only indicate
that a candidate has met the regulatory body language requirements. If you have questions
regarding your language test before the time that you are scheduled to do your SEC,
please contact them directly.
I am a registered nurse who lives outside of Canada, and I have to get a visa to travel to do my SEC in Canada. Can you tell me how to do this? Do you help with the visa application? Can I get a visa letter saying I am booked for a SEC?
If you require a travel permission visa to come to Saskatchewan, Canada to attend
a SEC assessment, you will be required to contact your Canadian Embassy within your
country for application procedures.
The IEN Assessment Centre does not involve themselves directly in a SEC candidate's visa application. We can offer a letter of invitation to do a SEC assessment once all the documents (regulatory body letter and language requirements) are in place.
We cannot book an assessment before your visa is in place as we hold this placement for you on the calendar and, therefore, if your visa application is unsuccessful, other candidates would not be able to book a SEC on this time slot.
The IEN Assessment Centre does not involve themselves directly in a SEC candidate's visa application. We can offer a letter of invitation to do a SEC assessment once all the documents (regulatory body letter and language requirements) are in place.
We cannot book an assessment before your visa is in place as we hold this placement for you on the calendar and, therefore, if your visa application is unsuccessful, other candidates would not be able to book a SEC on this time slot.
Are there set dates for each type of SEC?
Your SEC assessment may be booked on any week of the month based on availability of
times. We do not do assessments on statutory holidays or weekends.
I know someone who has to do a SEC but they only have to do a general assessment. Why do I have to do other SECs?
The regulatory body looks at each IEN application on an individual basis. Nursing
education, direct work experience in nursing specialties, length of service, and currency
of nursing practice are some of the factors taken into account for what type of SEC
assessment regulatory body refers the candidate.
What if I fail the SEC? How many times can I do a SEC?
You do not fail your SEC assessment. If knowledge gaps in areas of nursing are identified
through the SEC assessments, then the regulatory body may require that you take further
theory and/or clinical nursing courses to meet your nursing knowledge and/or skill
What do I need to study for a SEC? What type of books do I use? Where can I get books to study from?
We strongly recommend that you prepare yourself for the SEC assessment by:
- accessing the IEN Assessment Centre website. The information on the website includes examples of the different components of the SEC Assessment similar to what you will experience.
- referring to your provincial regulatory body’s website to review the Standards and Foundation Competencies.
- referring to the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) website to review the “CNA Code of Ethics document”.
- reviewing the current Canadian nursing review resources such as:Saunders Canadian Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination
- Lippincott QA Review for NCLEX–RN
- These types of resources review theory in assessment, medical surgical nursing, child health nursing, maternal/newborn nursing, mental health and fundamentals materials as well as provide examination questions. These books can purchased online as well as at the campus store.
- Saskatchewan Polytechnic has a limited number of Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing by Potter and Perry which is a good resource related to nursing in Canada. Contact the IEN Assessment Centre to borrow this resource book if they are available.
Why can't I book a SEC before I get my visa?
Once we book your SEC assessment, a place in the schedule is held for you and IEN
assessors are booked to perform your assessment. However, as an application for a
visa is sometimes declined or delayed and you then have to cancel your booking at
the last minute, these dates (previously held for you) are not available for another
person to book that time.
I have been denied a visa to come to do my SEC. What do I do now?
The IEN Assessment Centre is not involved in the visa application process. All that
we can provide for your Canadian Embassy is a letter of invitation to do a SEC assessment.
How long will it take to get my results from the regulatory body?
After your assessment is completed, it will take approximately two weeks to complete
the assessment report at the IEN Assessment Centre. The report is then mailed to the
regulatory body. Once the regulatory body has received the report, it will take about
three to five weeks to hear back from them in writing.
Will you offer SEC assessments in other countries?
At this time, we do not have plans to do SEC assessments outside of Canada.
I have a relative that needs to take a SEC assessment. Can I book the assessment for him/her as I live in Canada and it is hard for him/her to call your office?
Yes, if you have been designated as the contact person for a relative or friend who
is required to have a SEC assessment, you may act as the contact person in Canada.
Please provide your e-mail address and phone number so we may correspond to you on
behalf of the SEC candidate. You may coordinate the booking for the SEC on behalf
of the contact person, but we will need to have confirmation of this booking coming
directly (by e-mail) from your relative or friend.
What do I have to bring for a SEC assessment?
You will need to bring your lunch, snacks, water, or drinks. There is also a cafeteria
and pop/snack machines on campus for your convenience. Pencils, erasers, calculator,
and paper will be provided. You need to wear a proper uniform (such as surgical scrubs)
for the scheduled OSCE days.
Do you provide daycare while I do my SEC assessment?
Do you provide accommodation?
Saskatchewan Polytechnic does not have campus accommodations.
Who are qualified for admission in the RNBPIEN program at Saskatchewan Polytechnic?
Only candidates with current permanent resident status or Canadian citizenship are
admitted in the program. This program is not open to international students or those
with student or work visas.