Help reduce your stress by taking time to slow down and be present with what is. Our Mindful Moment audio tracks and videos guide you through moments of self-reflection and mind body connection. We welcome your suggestions for future mindful practices.
Audio meditations
Mindful Mint (3:19)
- Mindful Mint (3:19)
- Chocolate (4:52)
- Bubble Gum (5:22)
- Physiological Sigh to Quick Calm (1:41)
- Soles of the Feet Grounding Exercise (2:15)
- Take Space from Thoughts with the Mindful Observer Technique (2:34)
- Short Loving Kindness (3:07)
- Connect to Calm (3:22)
- Get Grounded (3:37)
- Take Five (4:09)
- Short Breathing Practice (4:24)
- Savour Your Beverage (5:03)
- Supportive Touch Practice (5:32)
- Morning Snooze Meditation (6:59)
- Strengthening Meditation to Prepare for Stressful Events (7:32)
- Short Heart Opening Meditation (7:37)
- The Healing Pool (8:34)
- Thoughts and Feelings Take Flight (9:09)
- Spark of Light (9:26)
- Run Toward the Danger (9:48)
- Song Finding (10:26)
- Rest is Radical (10:35)
- Skydance of the Starlings (10:35)
- Snow Globe (10:43)
- Transformative Practice (10:54)
- Can you Notice (10:57)
- Connecting to Ventral Vagal (11:10)
- Guided Meditation for Body Tension Release and Relaxation (11:16)
- Affirmations (11:33)
- Rain Drop Meditation (11:48)
- Shapes and Patterns (12:33)
- Hear Now (12:36)
- Connecting With the Dark (12:48)
- Glimmer (12:49)
- Beach Finding (13:09)
- Grounding Practice (13:18)
- Noticing Nature (14:14)
- Sitting with a Challenge (14:17)
- Check in With Yourself (14:25)
- Soft Landing (15:07)
- Calm Kindness (16:54)
- Breathing Room (17:42)
- Loving Kindness Body Scan (19:20)
- Yoga Nidra Practice (22:30)
Introduction and tips for practice
Video meditations
Wonder of water
Gratitude practice
Mindful body scan meditation
Loving kindness meditation
A gentle practice
Barn swallow sound meditation
Calm skipping stone
Five affirmations to prep for lab or exam
Grounding practice
Make space for the pause
Meditation for mental health
Upcoming events
Join us weekly on Wednesday's at noon. Pre-registration is required.
Contact us
Please contact Candice Kloeble or Sasha Forsyth at counselling@saskpolytech.ca.