Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC)

Free English language classes for permanent residents in Saskatchewan. 


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Join Saskatchewan Polytechnic LINC

  • Only permanent residents can join our free LINC classes.
  • Saskatchewan Polytechnic LINC offers CLB 5 to 8 classes only.

Step one

You will need an English placement test and referral from the Language Assessment and Referral Centre (LARC). Contact them to take a free Canadian Language Benchmark Placement Assessment (CLB-PA). This will determine your CLB (Canadian Language Benchmark) levels.

Select your location below for more information.

Contact the Language Assessment and Referral Centre (LARC) in Regina and schedule a Canadian Language Benchmarks Placement Assessment (CLBPA).

Regina LARC
2445 13th Avenue
Regina SK S4P 0W1
Phone: 306-525-5272
Website: Language Assessment and Referral Centre (LARC) in Regina
Contact the Language Assessment and Referral Centre (LARC) in Saskatoon and schedule a Canadian Language Benchmarks Placement Assessment (CLBPA).

Saskatoon LARC
201-336 5th Ave N
Saskatoon SK S7K 2P4

Phone: 306-651-5272
Website: Language Assessment and Referral Centre (LARC) in Saskatoon

Step two

After completing your CLB-PA test at the LARC, you can apply to Saskatchewan Polytech LINC for CLB 5 to 8 classes. The LARC will send your CLB scores to Sask Polytech LINC.

Select your location below for more information.

If you have a Permanent Resident (PR) status, you can enroll in the Regina LINC program. 

  1. If your English levels are between CLB 5 and 8, you can choose the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Regina LINC program.

  2. The Regina LARC provides information on LINC programs in Regina. Once you make your choice, an email with your Placement Test results will be sent by LARC to your chosen LINC program.

  3. You must contact the LINC program to put your name on the wait list.

Please make sure you have taken your LARC CLB-PT and received a referral before calling a LINC program.

To register for Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Regina Campus LINC, you must contact the Regina LINC office:

2023-24 Academic year blended and hyflex class schedule

Full-time day classes

(CLB 5-8)

Part-time day classes

(CLB 5-8)

Part-time evening classes

(CLB 5-8)

Saturday classes

(CLB 5-8)

Tues & Thurs: 5 hours/day in-person

Mon, Wed, Fri: 5 hours/day online

Mon & Wed: 2.5 hours/day in-person

Tues, Thurs, Fri: 2.5 hours/day online

Tues & Wed: 2.5 hours/day in-person

Mon & Thurs: 2.5 hours/day online

Two Saturday mornings per month: 3 hours in-person

All other time will be online.



Monday-Friday Monday-Thursday Saturday only
9:15 a.m.-2:45 p.m.

9:15 -11:45 a.m. (a.m. class)

12:15-2:45 p.m. (p.m. class)

6:15-8:45 p.m. 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
25 hours/week 12.5 hours/week 10 hours/week 5/week

2022-23 academic year 100% online class schedule

Part-time day classes (CLB 7/8) Part-time evening classes (CLB 7/8) Part-time Saturday class
Monday-Friday Monday-Thursday Saturday
2.5 hours/day online 2.5 hours/evening online 5 hours/Saturday online

9:15-11:45 a.m.

6:15-8:45 p.m.

10 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

12.5 hours/week 10 hours/week 5 hours/week

If you have a Permanent Resident (PR) status, you can enroll in the Saskatoon LINC program. 

  1. If your English levels are between CLB 5 and 8, you can choose the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Saskatoon LINC Program.

  2. The Saskatoon LARC provides information on LINC programs in Saskatoon. Once you make your choice, an email with your Placement Test results will be sent by LARC to your chosen LINC program.

  3. You must contact the LINC program to put your name on the wait list.

Please make sure you have taken your LARC CLB-PT and received a referral before calling a LINC program.

To register for Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Saskatoon Campus LINC, you must contact our Saskatoon LINC office:

2024-25 in-person class schedules

Class type: 3-day class
Available CLB levels: 5-8
Days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Time: 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Hours per week: 12 


Class type: Saturday class
Available CLB levels: 5-8
Days: Saturday only
Time: 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
Hours per week: 5


2024-25 online class schedules

Class type: 5-day class
Available CLB levels: 5-8
Days: Monday to Friday

Option one (morning classes): 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.

Option two (afternoon classes): 12:30-3 p.m.

Hours per week: 12.5


Class type: Part-time evening class
Available CLB levels: 7-8
Days: Monday to Thursday
Time: 6:30-9 p.m.
Hours per week: 10


 2024-25 blended class schedules

Class type: Part-time evening classes
Available CLB levels: 5-7

Monday to Thursday

  • Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are in-person classes.
  • Wednesday is an online class.
Time: 6:30-9 p.m.
Hours per week: 10

About LINC

LINC is 100% funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

IRCC logo

All LINC students must maintain an 80% attendance average to stay in our free program.

LINC is English for settlement in Canada. We focus on developing our students’ English language skills, digital skills, and understanding of Canadian culture. We are committed to helping newcomers understand and make meaningful connections to supporting Truth and Reconciliation.

Our LINC teachers help you grow your skills and confidence in using English for life, work, and school in Canada. Students learn grammar and vocabulary through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities, tasks, and assessments.

CLB 7 and 8 classes have an extra focus on workplace culture and employment.

At Saskatchewan Polytechnic, students and teachers use Zoom and for online class time.

Our day students can benefit from our childcare coverage for pre-kindergarten children.

  • Business services
  • Canadian cultures, society, and multiculturalism
  • Canadian geography, history, economy
  • Canadian law
  • Community services
  • Education
  • Employment/work
  • Environmentalism and sustainable living
  • Family and relationships
  • Banking and taxes
  • Government services
  • Health and safety
  • Housing
  • Travel, tourism, and transportation

The LINC certificate can be used to apply for citizenship. A minimum CLB 4 is required in Listening and Speaking.

The LINC certificate is also accepted by Regina and Saskatoon Skills and Trades.

The LINC certificate cannot be used as proof of English language when applying for university or college.

Our online and blended LINC classes use a combination of these for teaching and learning:

2/3 Live Online Zoom Class and/or In-person Time + Interactive Activities

  • This is when you will see, hear, and speak with your teacher and classmates.
  • You will also do online activities via or other websites, participate in discussion forums, do group or pair work with classmates. You may also receive assessments.

1/3 Independent Study

  • This is for assignments, tasks, and time to study by yourself. You may also receive assessments.

You need:

  • Internet connection
  • computer/laptop or smartphone or tablet
  • webcam with microphone (if you are using a computer or laptop)

Our program can lend hardware to students. Priority is given to students who choose 100% online classes because of our limited resources.

LINC student career strategist

Are you a professional and need help tailoring your resume to get a similar job in Canada? Are you wondering what career would suit your goals, skills, and interests?  Do you need job interview practice? 

Our LINC student career strategist can help you with:

  • Setting and assessing your career or job goals
  • Resumes, cover letters, and job interview skills
  • Understanding the 9 Essential Skills, Canada Job Bank, and National Occupation Classification (NOC)
  • Creating connections to employers (when possible) and referring you to professional or educational services

These sessions can be completed online or in-person depending on demand and availability.