Country: Yemen
Project location within country: Sana’a, Aden, Taiz, Mukalla, Shahir 
Duration: Five months
Budget: Approximate value of services: $67,250
Project status: Complete

Project description

Building on the priorities identified in several studies and past projects, the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training (MTEVT) Strategic Development Plan, and the need to meet the needs of the new economy; MTEVT requested a loan from the World Bank for a project designed to enhance the overall relevance, quality and efficiency of the Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT) system in Yemen.


To help orient technical and vocational training to employer-defined skills needs and market opportunities by fostering public-private partnerships for skills development in priority growth sectors. 


Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Republic of Yemen 


Working in coordination with the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Republic of Yemen (MTEVT), the project provided the tools, training, and resources to pivot the technical and vocational training system to be able to respond to employer-defined skills needs and market opportunities by fostering public-private partnerships for skills development in priority growth sectors. 

In addition, the project worked with MTEVT to develop an employment demand-oriented planning capacity in MTEVT; (ii)To establish new technician and in-service training initiatives built on employer-defined competencies and enhanced instructional ability; and (iii) To develop the capacity of private-sector employers to articulate and finance their skills development needs through a reformed “Skills Development Fund.”

Contact us

Angela Wojcichowsky, Director, International Partnerships & Projects 
Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Saskatoon Campus, 20th St.
200 – 226 – 20th Street East | PO Box 1520,
Saskatoon SK  S7K 0R6 Canada