Video: What would you do?
First Man: If I was being harassed at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, I would probably acknowledge the situation and let the person know that I didn’t like what they were doing or what they were saying, and eventually just walk away from them.
First Woman: If I witnessed or experienced harassment, I would seek out the Harassment and Discrimination Consultant, and I would see what options I have as a person, to help prevent it, or to help myself in getting out of a situation such as that.
Second Woman: If I was being harassed at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, I think the first thing you have to do is confront the person that was doing it and let them know what was happening cause they might not even understand that that is what they are doing, and if things don’t change from there, then you’d have to take it to your supervisor.
Third Woman: I probably wouldn’t do anything, cause I’m a person that keeps to myself and I don’t get myself involved in other people’s situations, cause I, yeah, I do get harassed and I do get discriminated against, and, like, what’s the use of speaking up and telling somebody when nothing’s being done.