Cemaine Tsang
BSc(H), DVM, MSc, PhD
Program Head / Clinical Coordinator, Institutional Animal Care Designate
Areas of Expertise
- Veterinary medicine
- Immunology
- Vaccinology
- Animal ethics
Related Professional Experience
- Small animal veterinary practice (2009-present)
- University of Saskatchewan Animal Care Committee (2016- present)
- Sessional lecturer, School of Public Health University of Saskatchewan (2016-present)
- Comparative and development immunology and vaccine research, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) (2002-2007)
- Professional service including member of SVMA regulatory committees
- CatSNIP organizing committee
- Pets In The Park organizing committee
Selected Publications
- Tsang C, Mirakhur K, Babiuk L, Griebel P. (2008). Oral DNA immunization in the second trimester fetal lamb and secondary immune responses in the neonate. Vaccine 25. DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2007.09.036
- Tsang C, Babiuk S, van Drunen Littel-van den Hurk S, Babiuk LA, Griebel P. (2007).
A single DNA immunization in combination with electroporation prolongs the primary
immune response and maintains immune memory for six months. Vaccine 25: 5485-5494
OIi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2007.03.009 - Gerdts V, Tsang C, Griebel P, Babiuk LA. (2003). DNA vaccination in utero: A new approach to induce protective immunity in the newborn. Vaccine 22. DOI: 0.1016/j.vaccine.2003.05.004
- Martin CC, Tsang C, Beiko R, Krone P. (2002). Expression and genomic organization of the zebrafish chaperonin gene complex. Genome 45(5): 804-11. DOI: 10.1139/g02-044
Selected Grants and/or Research Projects
- Benmourrouche LN, Galbraith R, Halstead DA, Tsang C. Assessment of lake sturgeon reproductive capacity and associated habitat requirements in the north Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan river systems. NSERC Applied Research and Development 3-year grant awarded 2020.
- Tsang C, Mack-Klinger S. Veterinary pharmacy regulatory curriculum project. Sask Polytech School of Health Sciences internal research fund (2018).