1. Transforming Health Realities Through Interactive Virtual Engagement (THRIVE): Examining the Impact of Proactive Virtual Wellness Programming for Frontline Public Safety Personnel
  2. Assessing the mental health support needs for Indigenous adolescents residing in northern Saskatchewan: A community based participatory action research study exploring the potential use of virtual reality technology to promote mental health and wellbeing.
  3. Assessing the mental health support needs for Indigenous adolescents residing in rural and remote Sask: A mixed methods study exploring the potential of virtual reality technology.
  4. Virtual interventions and community connections for healthy Indigenous youth (VICCHIY): Developing an Indigenous-led mental health and wellness assessment tool to measure the efficacy of wellness interventions
  5. Building meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities to promote equitable access to mental health services for Indigenous youth.
  6. Saskatchewan Farmer and Rancher Mental Health (FARMh) Initiative.
  7. Farm Reminiscing: The Experiences of Older Saskatchewan Adults Using a Telephone-Based Social Program
  8. Exploring the Mental Health and Wellbeing Needs of Large Animal and Rural Veterinarians in Saskatchewan
  9. Examining the Impact of Nursing Student Self-Efficacy for Educational HER Utilization during Simulation on Perspectives of HER use in the Clinical Practice Setting
  10. Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) Hospital Patient Survey: A Collaborative Approach Between the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA)-Regina General Hospital (RGH) and the Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing (SCBScN) Program
  11. Roles and Responsibilities of Psychiatric Nurses in Schools – A Scoping Review
  12. Preserving Wisdom in a Timeless Realm: An Innovative Approach to Culturally Congruent Education
  13. Identifying Bereavement Support Gaps for People Who Have Lost a Loved One in a Saskatoon Intensive Care Unit
  14. Pathways to Safer Communities: Co-Creating a Preparedness Framework for Mass Casualty Incident Response Planning in Indigenous Communities
  15. School Based Recreation Therapy for students with mental health, physical, developmental and/or learning disabilities
  16. Assessing the Need for Recreation Therapy Services for Students with High and Complex Needs within the School System
  17. Exploring Experiences of Art in Relationship to Gender Diversity and Wellness in Rural and Remote Saskatchewan 
  18. Exploring changes in expression of self of older adults through co-created short films
  19. Exploring how to make healthy aging programs more inclusive and accessible for immigrants and refugees
  20. Helping Teenagers with Type 1 Diabetes and their Parents Cope with the Challenges of Diabetes Management
  21. Musculoskeletal and Psychological Injury Reduction for a Safer Saskatchewan 
  22. The Road to Miyo-Pimahtisiwin: A Journey of Healing