- Exploring Joy and Future Planning with Older Adults: Debunking Myths of Aging
- Assessing the mental health support needs for Indigenous adolescents residing in northern Saskatchewan: A community based participatory action research study exploring the potential use of virtual reality technology to promote mental health and wellbeing.
- Assessing the mental health support needs for Indigenous adolescents residing in rural and remote Sask: A mixed methods study exploring the potential of virtual reality technology.
- Virtual interventions and community connections for healthy Indigenous youth (VICCHIY): Developing an Indigenous-led mental health and wellness assessment tool to measure the efficacy of wellness interventions
- Building meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities to promote equitable access to mental health services for Indigenous youth.
- Saskatchewan Farmer and Rancher Mental Health (FARMh) Initiative.
- Farm Reminiscing: The Experiences of Older Saskatchewan Adults Using a Telephone-Based Social Program
- The Impact of Lowering the English Language Requirement on Curricula and Performance of Internationally Educated Student Nurses
- An Embedded Case Study of the Impact of Lowering the English Language Requirements on Curricula and Performance of Internationally Educated Student Nurses: A Focus on Black IENs
- How is the Bridge City Bicycle Co-operative (BCBC) Serving the Community?
- Towards Integrating Patients as Co-Designers, Implementers, and Evaluators of Patient-Oriented Health Care Training Curricula in Saskatchewan
- Exploring the Mental Health and Wellbeing Needs of Large Animal and Rural Veterinarians in Saskatchewan
- The experience of students in Schools of Nursing and Health Sciences who attended an online synchronous Interprofessional Education (IPE) session. A large cohort evaluation.
- Environmental Scan of Bereavement Resources Available to People in Saskatchewan
- Identifying Bereavement Support Gaps for People Who Have Lost a Loved One in a Saskatoon Intensive Care Unit
- Pathways to Safer Communities: Co-Creating a Preparedness Framework for Mass Casualty Incident Response Planning in Indigenous Communities
- School Based Recreation Therapy for students with mental health, physical, developmental and/or learning disabilities
- Factors Associated with Perceived Clinical Stress from Simulation Learning among Saskatchewan Polytechnic Nursing Students: A Qualitative Study