Early Childhood Education

As an early childhood educator, you will support children as they learn through play. Your role will be to create developmentally appropriate curriculum and design inviting and effective quality learning environments. You will learn how to develop holistic programs that include early literacy and language, creative arts, numeracy, and open-ended play experiences, both indoors and outdoors. Your responsibilities will include working alongside your colleagues to build relationships with children and families, community partners and other professionals.

Individuals may apply for Saskatchewan Polytechnic's Early Childhood Education (ECE) certificate of achievement once they have completed three courses: Health, Safety and Nutrition (ECE 142), Child Guidance 1 (HUMD 183) and Dynamics of Play 1 (ECE 106).

Topics of study include:

  • learning through play
  • child guidance techniques
  • family and community relationships
  • indoor and outdoor play environments
  • healthy and safe early learning and child care environments
  • nutrition requirements for young children
Students who had previously applied, met admission requirements for, and had been accepted into either of the previous Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs (certificate and previous diploma), have five years to complete that program. The ECE certificate program must be completed by 2025, and the diploma program, by 2026.

You may contact a student advisor for assistance in making an education plan to complete your program.
Part-time students who have a few ECE courses from the existing certificate program and wish to transfer into the revised diploma program are advised to review the equivalency chart. Students will also need to speak with a student advisor to ensure support in their education plan.

Career and salary information

Your career

There is a high demand for educators in early learning and child care facilities in Saskatchewan. This certificate of achievement will allow you to work in group care settings with your children. It provides students with certification for entry-level positions in these facilities that meets the Ministry of Education's minimum requirements.

Part-time delivery

Students do not apply to this program, but take courses part time and apply to graduate (pdf) through Enrolment Services once all courses are completed.

To register for individual courses, please view the part-time offerings available in the Courses section below.


Admission requirements

Admission method

Open Access

Tuition and fees

Tuition varies by course


Semester information only pertains to full-time/on-campus students, and part-time/online students should view course prerequisites when scheduling courses.

Get credit for what you know

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Saskatchewan Polytechnic recognizes that adults learn in many different ways. This includes acquiring knowledge and skills through life and work experience or non-formal training.

See link(s) below to get more information about PLAR.

Note: For students completing their existing certificate or diploma courses through PLAR,  the following completion dates apply: For the certificate courses, 2025, and for diploma courses, 2026.

Transfer credit

Many Sask Polytech students benefit from transferring course credit. You may be eligible to transfer credit to Sask Polytech or to another college or university.

Early Childhood Education

Additional information

Have a question? Email ConEd@saskpolytech.ca or call 306-659-4418.