Welcome to the IMII Diggin’ Digital Teacher Resource Hub focusing on Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) teaching.

In the free resource hub, you will find resources containing helpful links to websites, videos, and other STEM and ICT-related materials.  

STEM education assists students in developing 21st-century skills needed for STEM-based career opportunities. As you explore the teacher hub, you will find various resources that support a lifelong learning environment through collaboration, information management, effective use of technology, cultural awareness, and career and life skills.

The STEM projects we offer require students to be active learners who learn important concepts by innovating and thinking critically. Our projects are based on Backward Design and STEM education. Cross curricular study is important; therefore, each unit includes lessons for a multitude of subjects all supporting STEM education.

We hope you find the resource helpful and would appreciate feedback via our survey. See link below. Feel free to contact us at youthprograms@saskpolytech.ca.

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