Questions and answers for the Practical Nursing program.
Updated: January 18, 2024
1. Does the Practical Nursing program have English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements?
Yes, the Practical Nursing program has specific ELP requirements. To review program specific ELP requirements:
- Visit the English Language Proficiency Requirements web page.
- Select the program-specific ELP requirements dropdown.
- Select the Practical Nursing dropdown.
2. When will I know if I am accepted into the program?
Letters of acceptance are sent out after the application period has ended. This typically would occur by the end of April.
3. Can I take the program part time?
4. Are there ways for me to complete the program sooner?
5. So I can prepare and plan appropriately (e.g., child care, employment), what would my schedule look like as a student in the on-campus program?
Courses are typically scheduled to occur on campus, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each week. Additionally there may be classes/labs/seminars that start earlier or end later than these times.
Clinical practice education experiences commence at a variety of times depending on the specific experience, (i.e. some shifts may begin as early as 6:30 a.m.). Clinical shifts may vary and could include days, evenings, nights or weekend experiences. The length of clinical shifts may vary as well, including eight-, ten- and twelve-hour shifts. Learning experiences may also be scheduled on statutory holidays.
6. Where can I buy my books and other materials?
7. If I am interested in the online delivery mode, is there any time period while enrolled in the program where I would need to be at a Saskatchewan Polytechnic location?
- Travel to the Regina campus is required at the beginning of Semester one for a two-day mandatory program orientation.
- Mandatory lab and clinical components of the program can only be completed at the Regina or Saskatoon campus and will be scheduled throughout each semester. It will be at the discretion of the Practical Nursing program to determine which campus (Regina or Saskatoon) online students will attend labs and clinical. Eight students will attend weekly labs and clinical in Regina and eight will attend weekly labs and clinical in Saskatoon. Students home location will be taken into consideration when possible but preferences cannot always be accommodated.
- Clinical practice education experiences can only be completed in Regina or Saskatoon with eight designated clinical spots in each.
- If you do not live in Regina or Saskatoon, you may need to relocate to complete lab and/or a number of clinical elements of the program.
- Students are responsible for all costs associated with travel and housing.
8. I have never taken online courses before. How do I know if I have the attributes to be a successful online learner?
Distance education takes added time and energy, therefore it is suggested that you evaluate your readiness for learning via distance. Self-assessment tools to determine if online learning is right for you are available on the Internet and on request from the program.
Personal attributes of the successful online learner are:
- ability to assume responsibility for own learning
- self-directed and motivated
- persistent and confident
- ability to problem solve and be active in their learning
- effective time management skills
- disciplined to study without external reminders
Basic technical skills that you need include:
- basic computer literacy
- word processing
- searching on the Internet
- taking time to complete available online tutorials and use help screens
9. What kind of supports can I put in place to ensure I am successful as an online learner?
Student success is enhanced through family, peer, and employer support. The Practical Nursing program is work intensive and full time students should expect to have homework and studying commitments daily throughout each semester. All online and on campus students require a laptop to complete their studies.
10. Are there additional fees required upon program completion in order to obtain licensure with the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Saskatchewan (CLPNS)?
Upon successful completion of the Practical Nursing program, a students is eligible to write the Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Examination (CPNRE). Various fees are required to write the CPNRE and to obtain licensure with the CLPNS. For more information and a breakdown of costs, please visit the CLPNS website.
11. If I am not accepted into the Practical Nursing program this year, do I have to reapply?
Yes. You will need to reapply to the Practical Nursing program on an annual basis, during the application period, and meet all admission requirements and selection criteria for the intake in which you are applying.