February 3, 2023 – Qualifying students who complete the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Educational Assistant certificate (EAC) program can now enter the Bachelor of Education (BEd) Elementary program at the University of Regina, with up to 30 credit hours (one year) recognized as going towards the four-year BEd degree, thanks to today’s transfer credit agreement signing.
“This agreement allows qualifying graduates of Sask Polytech’s certificate program to get a head start in completing the four-year Bachelor of Education Elementary program, potentially allowing them to complete the program in three years,” said U of R Faculty of Education dean Dr. Jerome Cranston. “Encouraging these certificate students to continue their education and obtain our BEd degree can help address the demand for teachers being experienced all across Saskatchewan.”
"This is an important pathway for our EAC graduates to further their education and careers," said interim dean Dr. Barbara Gustafson for Sask Polytech’s School of Human Services and Community Safety. "The role of educational assistants in classrooms, as part of the team that supports children, especially those with additional needs, has been reinforced in the public eye recently. This agreement adds to that recognition. Sask Polytech’s collaboration with the University of Regina through agreements like this reinforces our strong academic partnership."
Under the block transfer agreement students who have successfully completed the Sask Polytech EAC program, on or after June 30, 2021, with a minimum grade point average of 65 per cent, will receive a maximum of 30 credit hours recognized as a transfer credit in the U of R BEd program. Students who have completed the certificate program prior to June 30, 2021 may be approved as eligible under this agreement to be admitted to the BEd program on a case by case basis with the approval of the U of R Faculty of Education.
“This is an exciting opportunity for Sask Polytech Educational Assistant graduates,” says Kennedy Roufosse, Sask Polytech EAC student. “I enrolled in this program because I love helping people learn, I find it really rewarding to help others understand what is being taught in the classroom. I’m currently considering applying for the University of Regina Bachelor of Education program, but am looking forward to getting some work experience as an educational assistant first. It’s nice to have my Sask Polytech certificate recognized and options to continue my learning in elementary education.”
Learn more about Sask Polytech’s Educational Assistant certificate program.