Hometown: Leask, SK
Nation: Mistawasis First Nation
Program: Addictions Counselling diploma
When Desiree enrolled in the Addictions Counselling program at Sask Polytech, she had been out of school for ten years. Those ten years had been busy with work and children. So, she looked for support services early on—and used them.
“I’ve accessed Learning Services to help with my writing and the library for homework. I’ve applied for scholarships,” she says, “and the learning experience has been incredible. The instructors are absolutely great! They care about their students and want them to succeed.”
The respect is mutual. Desiree’s instructors describe her as a quiet young woman who doesn’t shy away from expressing her opinions, especially when she feels something is unjust.
In class, Desiree demonstrates the skills she’ll use when helping others. “I would love to work with families around issues such as addictions,” she says.
For now, she encourages anyone thinking of post-secondary to take the leap. “It’s never too late to get an education,” she says. “If you run into any struggles whatsoever, just ask for help.”
“If I could go back in time, I would tell myself that post-secondary isn’t as scary as I thought,” Desiree says, “I’m just as smart as the next person.”