Applied Project Management

Are you looking for effective project management skills so that you can complete projects on time and on budget? This online program will provide you with practical and professional skills in all aspects of project management. Participants in this program often work as project managers, supervisors, or project coordinators and have project work experience that puts the learning into context - no matter what industry they work in.

Sask Polytech is pleased to partner with the Applied Management Centre to bring you the Applied Project Management program. As a registered education provider with the Project Management Institute (PMI®), the largest international professional association for project managers, this program provides the necessary training to apply for the PMP® or CAPM® credentials with PMI®.

  • The program is offered three times per year, starting in September, January and April.
  • It is composed of six courses of varying lengths, which are taken over a 14-week period, although students have the option of completing it over several terms to a maximum of two years.
  • The courses are designed to be taken in sequence to give you the opportunity to progressively work through the entire life cycle of a project - from initiation to closeout.
  • The program finishes with a practical integration project. This final project provides an opportunity to demonstrate competency by consolidating the skills developed throughout the program. Students choose their own projects to complete the 12 required assignments.
  • Upon successfully completing all courses in the program, you will be eligible to graduate and receive the applied certificate in Applied Project Management. 
  • All instructors have their project management professional (PMP)® credential and many years' experience working as project managers and teaching project management.

Gold Seal Certification logoThis program is worth 25 Gold Seal credits towards Gold Seal Certification with the Canadian Construction Association.  



For more information, please download our program information sheet (pdf).

Applied Project Management Information Session
6:30-8 p.m.
Join us for an online information session with valuable insights and details about the program.

You can access the online courses any time of day. There is no requirement to be online at a specific time, but you must follow the weekly pace. Each module begins on a Saturday and ends the following Thursday. During this time, participants should expect to spend approximately 15 hours per week on coursework and assignments.

The online courses use a wide variety of tools, such as discussion forums, blogs, email, group activities and online videos to increase interactivity between the participants. There is also collaboration with the instructor by email, phone and screen sharing.

Anyone can learn online, but online learning requires different skills than learning in a classroom. It's important to know what to expect, to understand how to succeed in online learning, and to identify any barriers that may hinder your learning in an online environment.

Complete this questionnaire and watch this video to help you identify if learning project management online is appropriate for you at this time.

This program may qualify for the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant that will cover up to two thirds of the cost. In addition, employers with fewer than 50 employees may be eligible for wage compensation if the employee is paid to complete the training.

Visit the Government of Saskatchewan website to learn more about how to apply for the Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant.

Career and salary information

Your career

Often as an applied project manager, you work in regulated indoor office environments, but you could visit work sites depending on the industry you are employed in.

The physical skills required depend on the type of project being managed. For example, if you are managing a construction project, you may need to climb ladders and would require the physical ability to do so.

Part-time delivery

Students do not apply to this program, but take courses part time and apply to graduate (pdf) through Enrolment Services once all courses are completed.

To register for individual courses, please view the part-time offerings available in the Courses section below.


Admission requirements

  • Open Access


The School of Business and Entrepreneurship recommends that students have basic computer literacy or Windows File Management.

Admission method

Students do not apply to the program, but take courses part-time and apply to graduate once all courses are completed. View courses.

Tuition and fees

Tuition can be paid per course before each course starts throughout the duration of the program, or as a lump sum upfront.

Students must have a computer with Internet access, Microsoft Office (Word and Excel), Microsoft Project (2003-2013). Textbooks are optional for a small fee.

  • Tuition - $5,975
  • Software - approximately $40 per month (four months for full program)
  • Textbook - approximately $10 (optional)

This program is not eligible for the Canada-Saskatchewan student loan program.


Semester information only pertains to full-time/on-campus students, and part-time/online students should view course prerequisites when scheduling courses.

Additional information

Have a question? Please email or call 306-659-4418.

“PMI”, “Project Management Professional”, “PMP”, “Program Management Professional”, “R.E.P.”, and the PMI Registered Education Provider logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.