Adult Teaching and Learning

The Adult Teaching and Learning program is an 8-course, 24 credit hour Advanced Certificate program designed to develop and advance instructional and leadership skills of new and experienced Sask Polytech faculty.

The program is also open to other interested members of the public. For more information, contact Andrea Koch, ILDC Coordinator, at

Student success and their commitment to lifelong learning are greatly influenced by the competencies and knowledge of their instructors. This program provides critical elements to help instructors facilitate effective learning experiences for their students.

The program combines theoretical and practical aspects of teaching and learning offered in online and face-to-face environments. It provides instructors with opportunities for mentoring, networking, collegiality, scholarship in teaching and learning, and the development of a community of practice.

Part-time delivery

Students do not apply to this program, but take courses part time and apply to graduate (pdf) through Enrolment Services once all courses are completed.

The program is offered in Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Regina and Saskatoon; however, all students must apply to graduate through Prince Albert campus.To register for individual courses, please view the part-time offerings available in the Courses section below.


Admission requirements

The program is mandatory for new faculty at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. New faculty in ongoing full-time positions, ongoing part-time positions, and ongoing positions that, together, are equivalent to 0.5 FTE or greater, will be enrolled in the Faculty Certificate Program.

Admission method

The program is mandatory for new faculty at Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

Tuition and fees

Varies by course


Semester information only pertains to full-time/on-campus students, and part-time/online students should view course prerequisites when scheduling courses.

Get credit for what you know

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Saskatchewan Polytechnic recognizes that adults learn in many different ways. This includes acquiring knowledge and skills through life and work experience or non-formal training.

See link(s) below to get more information about PLAR.

Transfer credit

Many Sask Polytech students benefit from transferring course credit. You may be eligible to transfer credit to Sask Polytech or to another college or university.

Institution Details
Athabasca University Successfully completed courses from ATL program (from 2018) may be eligible for credit to AU applicable programs.

University of the Fraser Valley

Students enrolled in or have completed this program may enter directly into the BA in Adult Education or associated programs for a total of 24 credits.

Additional information