Carlton Trail College, Conestoga College and Saskatchewan Polytechnic partner to offer Welding applied certificate to 36 learners

Image credit: Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Image credit: Saskatchewan Polytechnic

July 7, 2021 –Conestoga College, Carlton Trail and Saskatchewan Polytechnic have entered a partnership to offer the Welding applied certificate for free to under-represented groups in the trades including women, Indigenous peoples, newcomers to Canada and persons with disabilities. This program provides students with the basic welding skills required to start a new career and is funded by the Government of Canada.  

Sask Polytech is currently offering the Welding applied certificate to 12 students in Prince Albert and 12 students in Saskatoon. Registration with Sask Polytech is now closed. Carlton Trail College will offer this training to students starting August 1, 2021, at its Humboldt campus.   

“As an Indigenous woman, I’m excited to be participating in the Welding applied certificate. This is a good opportunity to get my foot in the door and start a new career path,” says Kalene Gardipy, Sask Polytech student. “It’s really inspiring to have a female instructor training the class. This is a great program. I encourage more Indigenous women to apply and enter the trades.”

The Welding applied certificate is a 20-week program, with an additional five weeks of career skills training and an eight-week work placement. Students build their knowledge and skills in operating welding equipment and performing basic welding operations.

“Carlton Trail College is thrilled to be involved in this unique partnership with Conestoga College and Saskatchewan Polytechnic. Training under-represented populations in a skilled trade, along with providing extensive employability skills training and a paid work placement, will add tremendous value to workforce engagement within the province,” says Shelley Romanyszyn-Cross, president & CEO, Carlton Trail College.

“The partnership between Conestoga College, Carlton Trail, and Saskatchewan Polytechnic offers an incredible opportunity to address a skills shortage in the welding industry,” says Dr. Larry Rosia, Saskatchewan Polytechnic president and CEO. “This program will benefit students who are looking to gain employment as welder apprentices by providing them with welding training, essential skills training and the work experience they’ll require to start a new career.”

Students will build their knowledge and skills in operating welding equipment and performing basic welding operations, including general shop practice and shop safety, oxy/acetylene fusion welding, cutting processes, gas metal arc welding and shielded metal arc welding.

Acceptance into the free Welding applied certificate is based on a combination of student assessment results and a personal interview. Applicants are encouraged to attend an information session in advance and must have their grade 10 to apply.

For more information on the Carlton Trail College program offering, visit

