A new partnership with Sask Polytech will provide more skills training and educational opportunities for Service Hospitality members
August 19, 2021 – Service Hospitality and Saskatchewan Polytechnic recently entered an exciting new partnership that formalizes our long-standing relationship. The signing of a memorandum of understanding will lead to cross-promotion of skills training and educational opportunities, as well as joint development of future educational initiatives.
“Service Hospitality continues to create new partnerships for our membership,” says Service Hospitality CEO, George Marshall. “By working alongside other organizations, we continue to improve our products and services, as well as the reach of our programming. This partnership with Sask Polytech will allow us to further benefit our members as we continue toward our ultimate goal of preventing people from being injured on the job.”
“We look forward to the collaboration between Service Hospitality and Sask Polytech, and the ways in which we’ll be able to work together to increase student success and share faculty expertise,” says Dr. Larry Rosia, Sask Polytech president and CEO. “This agreement capitalizes on our unique strengths and offers a fantastic opportunity to promote training for Service Hospitality members.”
Working closely with the Sask Polytech School of Continuing Education and the School of Hospitality & Tourism, Service Hospitality will be exploring how to bring hands-on, industry-recognized kitchen safety training to the front lines of their membership. By combining Sask Polytech’s culinary expertise along with Service Hospitality’s safety and industry expertise, this partnership will further enhance the offerings of both organizations.
The School of Continuing Education brings together Sask Polytech’s internal expertise to advance professional development programs, corporate training and micro-credential offerings. The School of Hospitality and Tourism offers ten programs that prepare leaners to work in an array of venues, including hotels, restaurants, resorts, schools, hospitals, recreation complexes and remote catering facilities, or in a business of their own.