Saskatchewan Polytechnic joins network of industrial companies, start-ups, researchers and government-funded labs to promote collaboration and training that unlocks new opportunities.
November 18, 2020 – Saskatchewan Polytechnic has joined the Next Generation Manufacturing Supercluster to work on Internet of Things, machine learning, cybersecurity and additive manufacturing projects and to support related training. The Next Generation Manufacturing Supercluster was created to build up advanced manufacturing capabilities in Canada, incorporating technologies like robotics and 3D printing.
NGen is the industry-led, non-profit that runs Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster. NGen matches manufacturing companies with new technologies to drive advanced manufacturing in Canada. NGen also manages AmpUP (Accelerating Manufacturing Performance Upskilling Program), which covers 50 per cent of the cost of training for Canadian manufacturers to enroll their employees in selected skills development and certification programs offered by established trainers, including Sask Polytech.
“Manufacturing supports 1.7 million jobs across Canada, and is one of the key drivers of our economy,” says Dr. Larry Rosia, president and CEO, Saskatchewan Polytechnic. “Sask Polytech is excited to be one of the first post-secondary institutions in the country to join the Next Generation Manufacturing Supercluster. Our Innovative Manufacturing Centre (IMC) has state-of-the-art facilities, equipment and faculty who can help deliver solutions and capture new opportunities for NGen collaborations. We are also excited to offer discounted training to our NGen collaborators through the AmpUP program.”
As part of the Next Generation Manufacturing Supercluster, Sask Polytech is providing discounted training through the AmpUP program. Under this program, NGen will provide funding to offset the cost of skills training for Canadian manufacturing enterprises to up skill their workers. Sask Polytech offerings include:
- Applied Project Management applied certificate
- Cyber Security and Network Architecture statement of achievement
- Indigenous Leadership Skills applied certificate
- Leadership Skills certificate of achievement
All courses are web-based so Canadian manufacturing employees can upskill during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“NGen is delighted to welcome Sask Polytech as a partner in our next generation manufacturing training program AmpUP,” says Jayson Myers, NGen’s CEO. “It takes strong business leadership, effective innovation and process management, and up-to-date technical and data skills for Canadian manufacturers to succeed in today’s global markets. Sask Polytech’s skills training programs will play an important role in enabling their success.”
For more information visit ngen.ca/upskilling.
About NGen - Next Generation Manufacturing Canada
NGen is the industry-led not-for-profit organization that leads Canada’s Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster. Its mandate is to help build world-leading advanced manufacturing capabilities in Canada for the benefit of Canadians. NGen works to strengthen collaboration among its membership of more than 3,000 manufacturers, technology companies, innovation centres, and researchers, and provides funding and business support to industry-led initiatives that aim to develop, apply, or scale-up transformative manufacturing solutions in Canada for commercialization in global markets.
About Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Saskatchewan Polytechnic serves students through applied learning opportunities at campuses in Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Regina and Saskatoon, and through extensive distance education opportunities. Programs serve every economic and public service sector. As a polytechnic, the organization provides the depth of learning appropriate to employer and student need, including certificate, diploma and degree programs, and apprenticeship training. Saskatchewan Polytechnic engages in applied research, drawing on faculty expertise to support innovation by employers, and providing students the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills.
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For more information, contact:
Robbie MacLeod
Next Generation Manufacturing Canada
Brianna Bergeron
Saskatchewan Polytechnic Communications and Marketing