Saskatchewan Polytechnic offers free training for under-represented groups looking to explore a career in the trades

Image credit: Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Image credit: Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Funding covers program tuition, book costs, learning resources and online course materials for construction and transportation trades

September 10, 2019 – To help women, Indigenous peoples, newcomers and persons with disabilities explore or start a career in the trades, Saskatchewan Polytechnic is removing barriers for under-represented groups to better support a skilled, inclusive, certified and productive trades workforce. Funding is provided by the Government of Canada's Skilled Trades Awareness and Readiness (STAR) Program.

“Supporting a skilled, inclusive, certified and productive trades workforce is important to Sask Polytech,” says Dr. Larry Rosia, Sask Polytech president and CEO. “Students develop knowledge and practical skills in a particular trade area, jumpstarting their careers in the trades. This program would not be possible without funding from the Government of Canada’s Skills Trade Awareness and Readiness (STAR) program.”

Training ranges from one-week introductory courses to 20-week applied certificate training programs. Students who meet the eligibility criteria for introductory and applied certificate training programs receive tuition free trades training and work placements. 

The one-week introductory courses are a great opportunity to learn more about working in a particular industry. Introductory courses include: bricklayer, cabinet making, carpentry, heavy equipment and truck and transport technician. Sask Polytech also offers a one-week tour of the trades which allow participants to explore a variety of different trades. 

The applied certificate training programs enable students to start a career in the trades after 12- 20 weeks of training and work placements. Applied certificate training options include: auto body technician,bricklayer, carpentry, heavy equipment and truck and transport technician and parts person technician. 

Students can apply for programs through Sask Polytech’s website at Programming is offered in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Program seats are subject to availability and student eligibility. 

Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Saskatchewan Polytechnic serves students through applied learning opportunities at campuses in Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Regina and Saskatoon, and through extensive distance education opportunities. Programs serve every economic and public service sector. As a polytechnic, the organization provides the depth of learning appropriate to employer and student needs, including certificate, diploma and degree programs, and apprenticeship training. Saskatchewan Polytechnic engages in applied research, drawing on faculty expertise to support innovation by employers, and providing students the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills.

Skills Trade Awareness and Readiness (STAR) program

The objective of the STAR program is to strengthen apprenticeship training systems to better support a skilled, inclusive, certified and productive trades workforce by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of training provided. The three-year program specifically aims to improve the participation and success of four key groups in trades training and trades careers: Indigenous people, newcomers, persons with disabilities and women. Portions of the program will also create opportunities for youth to participate in interactive and engaging trade related events designed for them to explore and encourage education and future career paths in the trades.

