Saskatchewan Polytechnic celebrates graduates at Saskatoon convocation

Image credit: Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Image credit: Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Faculty and staff, family and friends celebrate the perseverance, dedication and accomplishments of Saskatoon campus students

May 24, 2018 – Tomorrow Saskatchewan Polytechnic will celebrate the accomplishments of graduates along with award recipients at the Saskatoon campus convocation. Almost 1,600 students have been invited to attend Saskatoon convocation.

“Convocation is one of the most important milestones in a person’s life,” says Dr. Larry Rosia, president and CEO. “It is a time to recognize the hard work, commitment and sacrifice students make to reach their goals and realize their dreams. We are extremely proud of this year’s graduating class and of our award recipients. Sask Polytech graduates have a reputation for their strong work ethic, applied learning and problem-solving skills, qualities that will serve them well as they embark on meaningful and rewarding careers.”

Some graduates and community members will be recognized for outstanding achievements and contributions to the province.

Silvia Chapman will be recognized with the Governor General’s Academic Medal for the highest average in the Saskatoon campus Adult 12 program. Michaela Taylor-Becker and Kai Bekar will be recognized with Governor General’s Academic Collegiate Bronze Medals. His Honour the Honourable W. Thomas Molloy, Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan, will be in attendance to present the awards.

The Student Innovation Award recognizes a student, or team of students, who has or have achieved a high standard of excellence on an innovative project or demonstrated innovative methods within their program of study. This year the recipients are 12 students who represented Sask Polytech at the Shell Eco-marathon Americas Challenge in California in late April. Congratulations Benjamin Esquirol, Devin Gennette, Chad John Lyons, Brad Rettger, Ryen Stallmann, Zoltan Nagy, Dylan Markwart, Joey Lorer, Joel Peterson, Lindon Goodall, Mark Armstrong and Tyler Stoddard.

Each year, Sask Polytech offers one Outstanding Citizenship Award for a student at each campus. This award recognizes a student who inspires and encourages others to make positive changes. Dallas Burnett, Recreation and Community Development student, is our 2018 Student Outstanding Citizenship Award recipient.

A new Applied Research Award for Excellence has been created to recognize individuals who make significant contributions in the areas of Applied Research and Innovation. Congratulations to Kelvin Boechler, Computer Systems Technology instructor and Tim Muench, CAD/CAM Engineering Technology instructor, recipients of this year’s inaugural award.

Several years ago, Sask Polytech debuted the Faculty Award for Excellence: Teaching to recognize excellence in service and innovation from faculty. This year’s deserving recipients are Kim Johnston, Advanced Care Paramedic instructor and Joan Traves, Medical Diagnostics Department instructor. 

Sask Polytech will award an honorary diploma to Lorne Wright, owner of Wright Construction. Shortly after receiving a Commerce degree from the University of Saskatchewan, Wright completed his carpentry Apprenticeship with Saskatchewan Polytechnic (at the time known as SIAST). Wright Construction currently employees more than 200 individuals and proudly completes construction projects for its clients across all of the prairie provinces.

People wanting to livestream the Saskatoon convocation ceremony are invited to visit:

Media are encouraged to attend the convocation ceremony.

Date: Friday, May 25, 2018
Time: 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Location: TCU Place, 35 22Street East, Saskatoon SK

Saskatchewan Polytechnic serves 28,000 distinct students through applied learning opportunities at campuses in Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Regina and Saskatoon, and through extensive distance education opportunities. Programs serve every economic and public service sector. As a polytechnic, the organization provides the depth of learning appropriate to employer and student need, including certificate, diploma and degree programs, and apprenticeship training. Saskatchewan Polytechnic engages in applied research, drawing on faculty expertise to support innovation by employers, and providing students the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills.

