Sask Polytech focused on supporting Aboriginal students

Image credit: Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Image credit: Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Jason Seright has some advice.

"Stay in school," says the Director of Aboriginal Strategy at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. "Education will make a difference in your life. If there's one thing you can bank on, it's an education."

Seright oversees the Aboriginal Student Achievement Plan (ASAP) at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. The plan, which was developed in 2009 to address the unique needs of Aboriginal students, has two main goals - to increase enrolment and increase success and completion.

Since then, enrolment rates and graduation rates have been climbing. With more than 18 per cent of the total student population identifying as Aboriginal, it is the responsibility of everyone at Saskatchewan Polytechnic to help Aboriginal students have an equal opportunity to succeed. 

Read more in the Government of Saskatchewan's story.

