Sask Polytech/Southeast College agreement expands opportunities for students

Image credit: Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Image credit: Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Sask Polytech/Southeast College agreement expands opportunities for students

Collaboration will provide more skilled workers for the energy and mining sectors

September 30, 2015 - Saskatchewan Polytechnic and Southeast College signed an agreement today that paves the way for new and enhanced skills training for students in southeastern Saskatchewan. Under the agreement, the two post-secondary institutions will share their expertise and resources so that they can train more skilled workers to fill labour shortages in industries such as energy and mining.

"It's important that students throughout the province have access to high-quality education and skills training," says Dr. Larry Rosia, Saskatchewan Polytechnic president and CEO. "By deepening our strong relationship with Southeast College, we can offer broader and more relevant programming to students in southeastern Saskatchewan who want to study and train close to home."

"This is an exciting opportunity, to be able to offer new and innovative post-secondary programs within our region," says Dion McGrath, president and CEO of Southeast College. "This partnership will enable Southeast College to bring additional programming to learners where they live and provide valuable workforce development to employers in southeast Saskatchewan."

For years, Southeast College has delivered Sask Polytech programs through a brokerage arrangement. Under this arrangement, Southeast identified regional training needs and hired local instructors to deliver Sask Polytech curricula. Under their new agreement, Sask Polytech and Southeast College will provide programming more effectively and collaboratively.

Plans are already under way to enhance existing programs and develop new ones in the region. For example, Sask Polytech and Southeast College are currently involved in quality assurance measures to deliver power engineering Second Class certification exams later this academic year. Sask Polytech is also considering offering the first year of its Environmental Engineering Technology diploma program and its Civil Technician certificate program at the Southeast College Estevan Campus.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic serves 26,000 distinct students through applied learning opportunities at campuses in Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Regina and Saskatoon, and through extensive distance education opportunities. Programs serve every economic and public service sector. As a polytechnic, the organization provides the depth of learning appropriate to employer and student need, including certificate, diploma and degree programs, and apprenticeship training. Saskatchewan Polytechnic engages in applied research, drawing on faculty expertise to support innovation by employers, and providing students the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills.

Southeast College is proud to be the Trainer of Choice in southeast Saskatchewan, serving approximately 8,000 learners and producing over 5,000 graduates annually. The College contributes over $19 million to the region's GDP and offers innovative and flexible programming that encourages students to learn where they live.

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