For over 50 years, the Hannin Creek Education Centre has benefitted students and researchers across Saskatchewan by providing unique hands-on learning experiences.
Located on the shores of Candle Lake north of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan in Treaty 6 Territory and homeland of the Métis, the Hannin Creek Education Centre is an equal partnership between Saskatchewan Polytechnic and the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation (SWF). Sask Polytech students and instructors take advantage of the camp facilities for vital research and outdoor education courses. The SWF hosts many events at Hannin Creek, including their popular youth conservation camps, annual Women’s Outdoor Weekends and staff retreats.
The only boreal forest field station in Saskatchewan, Hannin Creek Education Centre is a unique place to study and conduct research in such diverse programs as forestry, fisheries, wildlife, conservation law, and environmental, civil and water resources engineering technology.
In 2016 the Sask Polytech and SWF partnership behind Hannin Creek won a silver medal in the IPN-Global Best competition, sponsored by the Conference Board of Canada and the International Education Business Partnership Network. This international award celebrates educational programming and innovative partnerships.
The Hannin Creek Education and Applied Research Centre
The Hannin Creek Education and Applied Research Centre (HCEARC) is a unique multi-use, year-round educational facility. Located in a remote area of the mid-boreal forest ecosystem of central Saskatchewan, the centre is on a navigable creek system that ties into a large fresh-water lake and is situated in a provincial game preserve with an abundance of natural forests, wildlife, birds and fish.
In partnership with the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation, HCEARC provides industry experts and students with unique hands-on learning opportunities in forestry, fisheries, wildlife, conservation law, recreation and environmental, civil and water resources technologies.
mitho askiy kiskēyihtamowin (Cree: good learning through experiences on the land) Indigenous Outdoor Learning Centre
The Prince Albert Grand Council (PAGC), Sask Polytech and the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation (SWF) collaborated on the development of mitho askiy kiskēyihtamowin Indigenous Outdoor Learning Centre, nestled in the forest at the Hannin Creek Education and Applied Research Centre.
Land-based learning is the focus of the new encampment encouraging students and camp participants to learn from the land, live off the land and live in harmony with the land. The PAGC has been an instrumental stakeholder in developing the centre and related programming. Qualified instructors will lead the land-based training.
To book mitho askiy kiskēyihtamowin Indigenous Outdoor Learning Centre please visit hannincreekcamp.org.
Stories of the Land
Stories of the Land is a land-based learning initiative that connects learners with the natural environment of the boreal forest. Learners can explore the trails at the Hannin Creek Education Centre to discover markers with QR codes near plants of the mid-boreal forest ecosystem. The QR code connects learners to identifying information about the plant including:
- Common name and Latin binomial name
- Cree name and pronunciation
- Traditional Indigenous users or culturally significant applications
In partnership with Sask Wildlife Federation, Sask Polytech and Prince Albert Grand Council.